




Loren Cobb, PhD.



CodeCheck is a product of Abraxas Software, Inc.




For more information, contact:

Abraxas Software, Inc.

Post Office Box 19586

Portland, OR 97280, USA


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Table of Contents


Introduction...................................................................................................... v

Command-line Options:

1.1     Options.......................................................................................................... 8

1.2     CodeCheck File Names...................................................................... 13

1.3     Rules can Depend on Options....................................................... 14

1.4     Options can Transmit Parameters........................................... 15

1.5     Rules can Set Default Options................................................... 15

CodeCheck Programming Concepts:

2.1     CodeCheck Rules.................................................................................. 17

2.2     Rule Evaluation................................................................................... 19

2.3     Rule Syntax.............................................................................................. 21

2.4     CodeCheck Operators...................................................................... 22

2.5     CodeCheck Programs........................................................................ 25

2.6     Predefined and User-defined Variables............................. 26

CodeCheck C/C++ Analysis Variables:

3.1     Conversion Variables....................................................................... 29

3.2     Declaration Variables.................................................................... 31

3.3     Expression Variables........................................................................ 45

3.4     Function Variables............................................................................. 48

3.5     Identifier Variables.......................................................................... 51

3.6     Lexical Variables................................................................................ 54

3.7     Line Variables........................................................................................ 59

3.8     Module Variables................................................................................ 63

3.9     Operator Variables........................................................................... 65

3.10       Preprocessor Variables............................................................ 75

3.11       Project Variables........................................................................... 81

3.12       Statement Variables..................................................................... 84

3.13       Structure and C++ Class Variables..................................... 88

CodeCheck Functions:

4.1     General Functions.............................................................................. 93

4.2     Lexical Functions................................................................................ 97

4.3     Preprocessor Functions.............................................................. 100

4.4     Declarator Functions................................................................... 102

4.5     C++ Class Functions........................................................................... 103

4.6     Operator Functions......................................................................... 105

4.7     Character Functions...................................................................... 107

4.8     String Functions................................................................................ 108

4.9     Mathematical Functions.............................................................. 111

4.10       Statistical Functions................................................................. 112

4.11       Input/Output Functions............................................................. 114

Warning Messages........................................................................................ 116

Warnings Issued by Rules....................................................................... 116

Error Warning Functions...................................................................... 116

Warnings Issued by CodeCheck........................................................... 118

Fatal Error Messages.............................................................................. 127

Limits and Assumptions............................................................................ 137

Trouble-shooting Techniques............................................................ 139

Trouble Report Form................................................................................ 141

Index...................................................................................................................... 142



Computer professionals have a large and growing collection of tools that aid in the program development process. Oddly, very few of these tools for pro­grammers are themselves fully programmable. CodeCheck is a significant addi­tion to the genre of programmable tools. It performs its primary task—analyzing and critiquing C and C++ source code—entirely under the direction of a user-written con­trol program.

CodeCheck is not a new version of that old C programmer’s standby, lint, although it can per­form some lint-like error detection. For example, Code­Check compares all declarations and macro definitions across all modules of a project, to detect inconsis­tencies.

The main thrust of CodeCheck is to de­tect noncom­pliance with codified style standards, to detect maintenance or port­ability prob­lems within code which al­ready compiles perfectly on today’s compilers, and to compute cus­tomized quan­titative indicators of code size, com­plex­ity, and den­sity.

CodeCheck is a powerful tool for analyzing C and C++ source code. Stan­dards and mea­sures can be specified by the user for a tremendous number of fea­tures of C code that have an impact on portabil­ity, maintainability, and style. Code­Check is de­signed to enhance dra­matically the effec­tiveness and effi­ciency of project man­agement in com­mercial and indus­trial pro­gram­ming ef­forts.

A custom CodeCheck pro­gram specifying code stan­dard­s and measures can be written by a pro­ject leader using the CodeCheck language (actually a re­strict­ed subset of C itself). Code­Check can be pro­grammed to:

a.  Monitor compliance with standards for programming style, rules for type-encoded prefixes for identifiers, proper use of macros and typedefs, prototypes, etc.

b.  Identify code that is not portable to or from any particular envi­ronment (machine, com­­­piler, oper­ating system, or inter­face standard).

c.   Quantify code maintainability with user-defined measures at all levels: line, statement, func­tion, file, and project. Compute McCabe and Halstead complexity measures.

Sample CodeCheck programs are provided for a variety of problems, rang­ing from portability to complexity and compliance analysis for corporate and  industry style standards.

Chapter 1:  Command-line Options


CodeCheck is invoked by means of a command line with either of these for­mats:


         check -options foo.c

         check foo.c -options


In this command line format foo.c refers to the name of the C source file to be analyzed. Any number of source files may be specified, arbitrarily intermixed with options.

The rules that are to be used to perform this analysis can be specified in the options list, as described below. If no rule file is speci­fied, Code­Check will look for a precompiled rule file named default.cco.cco;, first in the cur­rent directory and then in the directories specified in the CCRULES environment variable. If this file is not found, CodeCheck will per­form a simple syntactic scan of the source file without any user-defined rules. 

To analyze a multiple-file project with CodeCheck, either list all of the source filenames on the command line, or create a new file con­tain­ing the names of all of the source files, one per line (do not list header files and li­braries in the project file). Give this pro­ject file the ex­tension “.ccp”. The contents after character '#' are interpreted as comments and ignored till the end of the line. Then invoke CodeCheck, spec­ifying the pro­ject file in­stead of a source file:

     check -options myproject.ccp                # comments

CodeCheck will apply its rules to each source file named in myproject.ccp, and will apply project-level checking across all the files in the project.   The ccp ex­tension in­forms CodeCheck that the specified file is a project file rather than a C source file. This extension may be omitted in the command-line. Command-line options may also be specified in the project file, one per line. Every option placed in a project file applies to every source file in the project.

The CodeCheck functions option(char) and set_option(char,int) can be used to obtain and set simple and integer-valued command-line op­tions, e.g. –B and –N. It cannot be used to change –K, however. For those command-line options that take string operands, e.g. –Iusr/foo/bar/headers, the equivalent func­tions are str_option(char) and set_str_option(char, char *). The Code­Check function option() re­turns an inte­ger whose value depends on the command-line op­tions speci­fied by the user when CodeCheck was invoked. For exam­ple, op­tion('X') returns the value 1 if the user specifies the option –X in the com­mand line, otherwise it re­turns 0.

A user can place either an integer or a string after the option. In both cases, the value of the option can be obtained by calling function str_option( 'X' ) in rule a rule file. To use the option as an integer in a rule file, pass the value obtained via function call to str_option to another CodeCheck function atoi(). These func­tions are useful for three purposes, as out­lined in sections 1.3 – 1.5.



1.1    Options:.1  Options;

Command-line options are used to override default actions or conven­tions, or to indi­cate addi­tional actions that you want CodeCheck to perform. CodeCheck com­mand-line options are not case-sensitive. The available op­tions are:

–A Reserved for CodeCheck expansion. Please do not use.

–B Instruct CodeCheck that braces are on the same nesting level as material surrounded by the braces. If this option is not specified, then CodeCheck as­sumes that the braces are at the previous nest­ing level. This option only affects the prede­fined variable lin_nest_level.

–C Reserved for CodeCheck expansion. Please do not use.

–D Define a macro. The name of the macro must fol­low imme­di­ately. An optional macro definition can be specified af­ter an equal sign. The macro may not have any arguments. For ex­am­ple,

               check –DFOREVER=for(;;)

     has the same ef­fect as starting each source code file with


                  #define FOREVER for(;;)

     If no macro definition is given, then CodeCheck assigns the value 1 to the macro by default.


-D? Internal macro dump [ #define ]. On command line –D? will dump initial state of #define internals after –Kn initialization Dynamic dumps may be generated with rule-file set_str_option( ‘D’, “?”) function.

–E Do not ignore tokens that are derived from macro expan­sion when performing counts, e.g. of operators and operands. The de­fault (–E not specified) is for CodeCheck to ignore all macro-derived tokens when count­ing.

–F Count to­kens, lines, operators, or operands when reading header files. The de­fault (–F not specified) is for CodeCheck not to count to­kens, lines, operators, or operands when reading header files.

–G Do not read each header file more than once. Caution: Some header files are designed to be read multiple times, with con­di­tional access to different sections of the header.

–H List all header files in the listing file. The –L option is as­sumed if this option is found. If –L is found without –H, then the listing file created by CodeCheck will not display the con­tents of header files. include files

–I  Specify a path to search when looking for header files. Use a sepa­rate –I for each path.  The pathname must follow –I, e.g.

               check -I/usr/myheaderpath src.c

     Header directory pathnames identified with the –I command-line option are searched before any directory paths listed in the the INCLUDE environmental variable. CodeCheck Unix only: the default header directory path is /usr/include.

–J Suppress all CodeCheck-generated error messages, e.g. syntax warnings. This op­tion does not suppress warning messages generated by rules.

–Kn         Identify the dialect of C to be assumed for the source files. A digit should follow immediately, which identifies the di­alect. The dialects of C and C++ currently available are:

                  0     Strict K&R (1978) C

                  1     Strict ANSI standard C

                  2     K&R C with common extensions

                  3     ANSI C with common extensions (default)

                  4     AT&T C++ [  ANSI STD C++ - Stroustrup  ]  

                  5     Symantec C++

                  6     Borland C++           [ CodeBuilder ]

                  7     Microsoft C++        [ MSDEV C++ 6.0 or later ]

                  8     GNU-GCC  C/C++  [ IBM VAC++ ]

                  9     MetroWerks CodeWarrior C/C++

                10     DEC Vax C and HP/Apollo C.  

                11     Metaware High C

     If this option is not specified, then CodeCheck will assume that the source code is ANSI with common exten­sions (–K3).

     If option –K is specified with no digit following, then Code­Check will assume that the user meant strict K&R C (–K0).

–L Make a listing file for the source file or project, with Code­Check mes­sages inter­spersed at appro­priate points in the list­ing. The name of the listing file may follow im­me­diately. If no name is given then the listing file will be check.lst.  The listing file will be created in the current directory, unless a target directory is specified with the –Q option.

–M          List all macro expansions in the listing file. Each line contain­ing a macro is listed first as it is found in the source file, and second as it appears with all macros expanded. The –L op­tion is as­sumed if –M is found. If –L is found with­out –M, then the list­ing file created by CodeCheck will not ex­hibit macro expan­sions.

–N Allow nested /* ... */ comments.  

–NEST    Allow C++ nested class definitions.

–O Append all CodeCheck stderr output to the file stderr.out. This is useful for those using the MS-DOS operating system, which does not permit the redi­rec­tion of stderr output. .out;.out; .out;.out;

–P Show progress of code checking. When this option is given, Code­Check will identify each file in the project as it is opened, and each function definition as it is parsed.

–Q Specify a target directory. The pathname of the directory into which all CodeCheck output files are to be placed must follow immedi­ately, e.g.

               check -L -Q./temp mysource.c

     Ex­amples of such output files are the listing and prototype files. If this option is omitted CodeCheck will write its output files to the current working directory.

–R Specify a rule file. The name of the rule file must follow im­me­diately, e.g. if the rule file name is and the C or C++ source filename is mysource.c:

               check -Rfoobar mysource.c

     Code­Check first looks for a object (i.e. compiled) rule file of this name (e.g. foobar.cco). If this file is out-of-date or not found, Code­Check will recom­pile the rule file ( into an object file (foobar.cco) before proceeding to apply these rules to the source file.  

     More than one –R file may be specified: in this case all the rules will be compiled together into an object file named temp.cco.

     If no –R file is specified, CodeCheck first looks for an object file named default.cco.cco;. If this file is found then it’s rules are used. If it is not found then checking proceeds with no user-defined rules.

–Sn         Apply rules while reading header files. A digit should follow immediately, which identifies the kinds of header files:

                  0     No header files (default).

                  1     Headers enclosed in double quotes.

                  2     Headers enclosed in angle brackets.

                  3     All header files.

     For example, suppose that these two lines are in a source file:


           #include <ctypes.h>       //  A standard system header

           #include "project.h"      //  An application header

                                             When option –S1 is in effect, CodeCheck will apply it’s rules to project.h but not ctypes.h. Please note that CodeCheck must always read every header included in a source file — this op­tion only determines whether or not CodeCheck rules will be applied to the con­tents of the various headers.

     CodeCheck’s default behavior is not to apply its rules to the contents of any included header files.

     The environmental variable CCEXCLUDE, if it is used, takes prece­dence over this option. Rules are never applied to files that are found in directories listed in this variable.

–SQL      Enables embedded SQL code. Note: this option must be spelled in all uppercase. 

–T Create a file of prototypes for all functions defined in a pro­ject. The name of the prototype file may follow im­me­diately. If no name is given then the name for the prototype file will be myprotos.h.     The prototye file will be created in the current directory, unless a target directory is specified with the –Q option.

–U Undefine a macro constant. The name of the macro must fol­low im­mediately. Thus  check -UMSDOS foo.c  has the ef­fect of treat­ing foo.c as though it began with the pre­proces­sor direc­tive #undef MSDOS.

–V For CodeCheck users. See Section 1.4 for usage suggestions.

–W          For CodeCheck users. See Section 1.4 for usage suggestions.

–X For CodeCheck users. See Section 1.4 for usage suggestions.

–Y For CodeCheck users. See Section 1.4 for usage suggestions.

–Z Suppress cross-module checking. Macro definitions and vari­able and function declarations will not be checked for con­sis­tency across the modules of a project. Often required in .CCP files when checking several source files at once.

Any letter of the alphabet may be used as a command-line option. Every op­tion is remem­bered by CodeCheck and passed to the rule interpreter. Code­Check rules can refer to and change these options by calling the functions op­tion, set_option, str_option, and set_str_option (see Sec­tion 1.3–1.5 for de­tails).  Option –X is recommended for users who wish to design custom rule files whose behavior is controlled by a com­mand-line option.

Batch processing [ @file ] of large command strings is done with CodeCheck .ccp files. See below CodeCheck File Names.



1.2    CodeCheck File Names:.2  CodeCheck File Names;

The conventions used by CodeCheck for filename extensions are:

.cc        A CodeCheck rule file, containing a set of rules for com­pila­tion by Code­Check. These rules are written in a subset of the C language. Code­Check requires that this extension be used for rule filenames, though it may be omitted in the –R command-line option.

.cch      A CodeCheck header file, for inclusion in a CodeCheck rule file.

.cco      A CodeCheck object file, produced by the CodeCheck compiler. This file contains a compilation of the rules found in the rule file with the same name but extension ccp.

.ccp      A project file for CodeCheck. This file contains a simple list of the file­names of all of the source modules that comprise a pro­ject, one filename per line. Header files and li­braries should not be listed in this file. Any CodeCheck options may be listed in a ccp file, so long as each option is delimited by CR-LF. There is no limit to the number of ccp files on the command line.


Depending on command line options, the following files may be created by CodeCheck:

check.lst            The default filename for the listing file (–L option).

myprotos.h        The default filename for the prototype file (–T option).

stderr.out          The filename for stderr output (–O option).

temp.cco            The name of the object file created by CodeCheck when more than one rule file is compiled (several –R options).



1.3    Rules can Depend on Options:.3  Rules can Depend on Options;

The CodeCheck function option() allows rules to behave differently de­pending on the options chosen by the user. For example, by testing the value of op­tion('L') the rule can distinguish be­tween users who have asked for a list­ing file and those who have not. Here is an example which issues different warn­ings depend­ing on whether the user has requested a list file.

1    if ( dcl_any_upper )

2       {                     

3       if ( option('L') )   // This is for the list file:

4          warn(99, “Spell this name in lower case!”);

5       else                 // This is for the console:

6          warn(99, “Identifier %s should be lower case.”, dcl_name());

7       }

The message for the list file (“Spell this name…”) is appropriate because it will appear in context, directly below the offending line, with a marker under the iden­ti­fier in question. The other message is more appropriate for the con­sole, be­cause it will be seen out of context.

Sometimes it is desirable for a CodeCheck rule actually to change one of its given options. The following rule, for example, will allow CodeCheck to de­cide that nested comments  are okay as soon as it finds a nested /*.

1    if ( lin_nested_comment )

2       {                     

3       if ( ! option('N') )

4          set_option( 'N', 1 );

5       warn( 1234, “Nested comment.”);

6       }



1.4    Options can Transmit Parameters:.4  Options can Transmit Parameters;

The CodeCheck functions option() and str_option() allow the user to transmit numeric and string infor­ma­tion to CodeCheck rules. All CodeCheck com­mand-line options can be determined within CodeCheck rules. For ex­ample, if the user in­vokes CodeCheck with the command line:

check -V2 –Rerror test.c

then the function call str_option('R') will return the string "error", and option('V') will return the value 2. The former could be used to print mes­sages that refer to the name of the rule file, and the latter could be used in a CodeCheck rule to define a “verbosity” level, for example:

1    if ( stm_depth > 6 )

2       switch( option('V') )

3          {

4          case 0:  /*  one-line message   */

5             break;

6          case 1:  /*  two-line message   */

7             break:

8          case 2:  /*  extended message   */

9             break;

10         }

The command-line options –V, –W, –X, –Y are guaranteed always to be avail­able to users for any purpose. All other options have meanings pre-as­signed by Abraxas Software, or are reserved for future use.



1.5    Rules can Set Default Options:.5  Rules can Set Default Options;

Command-line options do not have to be specified in the command line itself. For example, the following rule sets up one pro­grammer’s normal op­tions, so that he does not need to type them in his com­mand line:

1    if ( prj_begin )

2       {

3       set_option('M',1);     // Expand macros in listing file.

4       set_option('B',1);     // Braces are part of compound statements.

5       set_option('E',1);     // Count macro-derived tokens too.


7       set_str_option( 'I', "C:\C600\INCLUDE" );

8       set_str_option( 'I', "C:\RUN286\INCLUDE" );

9       }

Defaults cannot be set on options –K and –R.

Chapter 2: CodeCheck Programming Concepts



2.1    CodeCheck Rules:.1  CodeCheck Rules;


A CodeCheck rule is a C if-statement, written using a restricted subset of the C gram­mar. The logical expressions that compose a rule refer to variables that are either de­clared in the CodeCheck program or are predefined by Code­Check. Here is an example of two sim­ple CodeCheck rules:

1    if ( pp_white_before > 0 )

2       warn( 2090, "Space before # is not portable.");


4    if ( pp_trailer )

5       warn( 2091, "Trailing tokens are not portable." );

The first rule uses the predefined variable pp_white_before, which be­comes non-zero whenever a # character is found that is separated from a new­line char­acter by whitespace (i.e. space or tab char­acters). The CodeCheck function warn() echoes its arguments (an error number and a string) to the stderr stream, with an indica­tion of the filename and line number at which the er­ror was found. The warnings look like this:


test.c(124): warning W2090: Space before # is not portable.

test.c(126): warning W2090: Space before # is not portable.

test.c(127): warning W2091: Trailing tokens are not portable.

If a listing file is being made (option –L), then CodeCheck will also insert the warning message into the listing file after the offend­ing line, with a letter (A, B, C, …) under the position of the er­ror. The first error message for the line refers to the position marked with the letter A; the second is marked with the letter B; etc. The listing file will look like this:


   123     #ifdef BSD

   124        #include <sys/dir.h>

------>    A

A: warning W2090: Space before # is not portable.


   125     #else

     -        #include <dirent.h>

------>    A

A: warning W2090: Space before # is not portable.


   127     #endif BSD

------>       A

A: warning W2091: Trailing tokens are not portable.

Note that line 126 has no line number: this indicates that it was suppressed.

2.2    Rule Evaluation:.2  Rule Evaluation;


The CodeCheck interpreter will evaluate a rule as often as necessary to as­sure its correct opera­tion. Thus, rules which refer to low-level lexical vari­ables will be evalu­ated most often during the code-checking process, while high-level rules will be evalu­ated least often. The order in which CodeCheck rules are found in a source rule file does not affect the order in which they are inter­preted by Code­Check.

A CodeCheck rule is triggered whenever its “if” condition is satisfied. Since CodeCheck rules can perform arithmetic and assign values to variables, it is quite possible for a CodeCheck rule to trigger other CodeCheck rules. This triggering hap­pens immediately: as soon as the value of a user-declared CodeCheck vari­able changes, all other rules using this variable are triggered. Thus Code­Check op­erates like a forward-chaining expert system, even though its rules are written in a procedural lan­guage.

It may be instructive to review the various ways in which CodeCheck both resem­bles and differs from a true expert system. For a program to be an expert system in the strict sense of the term, it must, as a minimum, have these three features:

1.  A set of “rules”, external to the program itself, ex­pressed in ei­ther of these two forms:

          1a.  if circumstances then actions

          1b.  if circumstances then conclusions

2.  A set of “facts” representing the current state of knowledge of the sys­tem.

3.  A rule interpreter with the ability to use rules in more than one way. The three most common uses for rules are the following:

     3a.  To repeatedly recognize circumstances and perform ac­tions or assert conclusions until nothing further can be done. (This kind of logical inference is known as “forward chain­ing”).

     3b.  To verify conclusions by recursively testing circum­stances. (This is known as “backward chain­ing”).

     3c.  To explain actions or conclusions by reference to the ap­pli­ca­ble chain of rules.

CodeCheck satisfies conditions (1) and (2), in that it has an external set of rules and facts of the required form. (CodeCheck “facts” are the values of its user- and pre-de­fined variables.) It also has a rule interpreter which recog­nizes circumstances and per­forms actions. However, CodeCheck uses rules in only one way — forward chain­ing.

Much of the power of expert systems derives from their flexible use of ex­ter­nal bodies of facts and rules. These so-called “rule bases” encode the knowl­edge used by the expert system in a form that is (in the ideal case) under­­stand­able and maintain­able by non-pro­grammers. CodeCheck makes use of this sig­nifi­cant source of struc­tural power, but in a purely procedural way. It is thus a hybrid be­tween a procedural interpreter and a logical expert sys­tem.

2.3    Rule Syntax:.3  Rule Syntax;


The syntax of a CodeCheck rule is almost the same as the syntax of an if-state­ment in C:

1    if ( expression )

2       statement

The expression in the rule condition is called the “trigger” for the rule, be­cause it de­fines the event in which the rule is to be evaluated. The state­ment in the rule may be a com­pound statement sur­rounded by braces, just as in C. The only difference between a C if-statement and a CodeCheck rule is this: a rule can have no else statement. The reason for this is easy to see — the else state­ment, if it existed, would have to be evaluated whenever the trigger is not being trig­gered, an ill-defined event.

However, the statement in a rule may certainly contain if-statements, and these may have else statements. This syntax has the following format:


1    if ( trigger )

2       {

3       if ( expression )

4          statement1

5       else

6          statement2

7       }

There is no ill-defined event in this context, because the event causing the evalua­tion of the rule has been unambiguously defined by the trigger.

There are no local variables in CodeCheck — all vari­ables are global, no mat­ter where they are declared. Every user-defined CodeCheck variable must be de­clared before it is used.

The only kinds of control-flow statement permitted inside a CodeCheck rule are if, while, and switch state­ments. Break and continue are permitted.

The following are not permitted:


             for      do      goto    return

2.4    CodeCheck Operators:.4  CodeCheck Operators;


The C opera­tors that are valid in CodeCheck expressions are the following:

     ( )                 function call

     [ ]                 subscript selection

      ++                pre- and post-increment

      --                  pre- and post-decrement

     +                  unary and binary plus

     -                   unary and binary minus

     *                  multiply

     /                   divide

     %                 remainder

     <<                left shift

     >>                right shift

     =                  assign

     +=                add and assign

     -=                 subtract and assign

     *=                multiply and assign

     /=                 divide and assign

     %=               remainder and assign

     !                   logical negation

     ==                logical comparison (equality)

     <                  logical comparison (less)

     >                  logical comparison (greater)

     <=                logical comparison (=)

     >=                logical comparison (=)

     !=                 logical comparison (?)

     &&               logical conjunction

     ||                logical disjunction

      ~                 bitwise complement

     &                 bitwise and

     |                  bitwise or

     &                 address-of operator

The C operators that are NOT VALID in CodeCheck expressions are:

     .                   struct and union member selection

     ->                 pointer dereference

     *                  indirection operator

     sizeof size operator

     <<=              left shift and assign

     >>=              right shift and assign

     ^                  bitwise xor

     &=               bitwise AND and assign

     |=                bitwise OR and assign

     ^=                bitwise XOR and assign

     ? :                 conditional operator

      ,                  comma operator

     ::                  C++ scope operator

     .*                 C++ object member selector

     –>*               C++ object member pointer

2.5    CodeCheck Programs:.5  CodeCheck Programs;


A CodeCheck program is a collection of CodeCheck rules, optionally in­clud­ing decla­rations for user-defined variables. The C pre­processor is avail­able within CodeCheck pro­grams, and normal C comments can be placed anywhere. C++ single-line comments (delimited on the left by //) are also supported.

Here, in its entirety, is an example of a CodeCheck program that calculates the density of operators per line of C code. This rule set makes use of four prede­fined CodeCheck variables: fcn_begin and fcn_end, which flag the be­ginning and end of C functions, lin_operators, which counts the number of operators in each line of code, and fcn_total_lines, which counts the number of lines in each C function.


 1   float    ops,     /* number of operators    */

 2            density; /* operators per line     */


 4   if ( fcn_begin )

 5      ops = 0.0;


 7   if ( lin_end )

 8      ops += lin_operators;


10   if ( fcn_end )

11      {

12      density = ops / fcn_total_lines;

13      printf( "Function %s:\n", fcn_name() );

14      printf( "   operator density = %g\n", density );

15      }

As CodeCheck scans a C source file, it interprets these rules in the follow­ing order. Every time a function definition is found, the rule on lines 4-5 is executed. Every time an end-of-line is found, the rule on lines 7-8 is executed. And lastly, every time the end of a function is found, the rule on lines 10-15 is executed. By this mechanism the variable ops accumulates the operator count until the end of the function, and is reset to zero at the start of the next func­tion.

2.6    Predefined and User-defined Variables:.6  Predefined and User-defined Variables;


There are well over 400 predefined CodeCheck variables which flag the oc­currence of stylistic fea­tures and potential portability or maintenance prob­lems. These variables de­scribe features that range from the lowest level of lex­ical anal­ysis all the way up to features of the project as a whole. A de­tailed de­scription of each predefined CodeCheck variable may be found in Chapter 6. In addition to the predefined variables, the user can declare and use both in­teger and floating-point variables within any rule set.


2.6.1  All CodeCheck Variables are Global

Unlike C automatic and static variables, no CodeCheck vari­able is de­fined lo­cally. All CodeCheck declara­tions are treated as though they were of storage class extern, i.e. global. At the begin­ning of every CodeCheck rule file there must be a declaration for every user-de­fined vari­able that is referred to in the file. Un­like C, you may not de­clare local vari­ables within compound state­ments in CodeCheck.


2.6.2  Only Simple Types are Allowed

The only base types allowed for user-defined variables in this version of Code­Check are int, float, and char. Structs, unions, arrays, pointers, and functions are not allowed. Strings (i.e. zero-terminated character arrays) are al­lowed only as the return values of CodeCheck functions, and as string literals (e.g. "this is a string literal" ). A CodeCheck dec­laration may in­clude an initializer, exactly as in C, but the initial­izer must be a constant, not an expres­sion. Vari­ables without explicit initializers are initialized to zero.

On 80x86 and 680x0 platforms, the size of a CodeCheck int is 32 bits, as is the size of a CodeCheck float. For other platforms consult the README file. The CodeCheck char type is signed.

Note: Currently, one-dimensional char arrays are allowed. When such kind of variable is declared, the dimension of the array must be specified. A pointer to char type is also allowed. Therefore a pointer of such kind can be used as index to a string.


2.6.3  CodeCheck Variables are Frequently Reset to Zero

It is very important to understand when CodeCheck predefined variables are re-reset to 0. Each predefined variable is set to 0 at the start of exe­cution, and then again at the end of the scan of every grammatical object to which it refers. Con­sider, for example, the variable dcl_union_init, which is given the value 1 when­ever a union initializer is found. This variable refers to declarations (as in­dicated by its prefix dcl_ ), and is therefore reset to 0 at the end of every decla­ration. Thus, its value is 0 until an ini­tial­­izer for a union is found, whereupon it is set to 1. It retains this value un­til the end of the declaration, at which time it is re­set to 0.

The act of re-initializing a predefined CodeCheck variable does not cause any rules to be triggered. The CodeCheck interpreter refers to its rules only when the value of a CodeCheck variable is changed as a result of an explicit event. In the case of prede­fined variables, this event is the one de­scribed in the definition of the variable (definitions for all predefined variables are given in Chapter 6). In the case of a user-defined variable, the event is any circumstance in which its value is changed as a re­sult of the interpretation of a rule.


2.6.4  CodeCheck has a Storage Class for Statistical Variables

 The special statistic storage class is defined in CodeCheck for vari­ables that are used for measurement purposes. This storage class is designed to sim­plify and optimize the calculation of sta­tis­tical values (e.g. means, me­di­ans, quar­tiles, his­tograms, etc.) for software metrics. No other storage classes are permitted in CodeCheck.  

A variable in the statistic storage class receives special treatment from Code­­Check. The major difference is that every value ever assigned to the statistic is remembered, so that statistical functions of these variables (e.g. mean, correla­tion) can be readily computed. Values of statistical variables are stored in the heap, and are freed with the CodeCheck reset() function.

Some CodeCheck predefined variables are of type statistic int. As a general rule, these are the CodeCheck variables that count features of func­tions and modules. For example, at the end of every function definition scanned by Code­Check, the predefined vari­able fcn_operators is set to the num­ber of stan­dard C operators found in the line of code before macro expan­sion. Variables of storage class sta­tis­tic have these properties:

1.  Every value assigned to a statistical variable is treated as a sepa­r­ate observation or case. CodeCheck stores every case of ev­ery sta­tistical variable that is used in a rule file.

2.  The “rvalue” of a statistical variable is its most-recently assigned value. (An rvalue of a variable is the value used when the vari­able appears on the right-hand side of an assignment.)

3.  CodeCheck statistical functions can be applied to statistical vari­ables, e.g.  mean(), median(), and histogram().

4.  A statistical variable can be reset (all of its cases erased) with the CodeCheck reset() function.

5.  The increment and decrement operators (++ and --) may not be used on statistical variables.

6.  User-defined statistical variables may be statistic float or statistic int. They cannot be any other type.

Chapter 3:  CodeCheck C/C++ Analysis Variables




3.1    Conversion Variables:.1  Conversion Variables;

All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix cnv_ refer to charac­ter­istics of the implicit type conversions that frequently occur as executable oper­ators are evaluated. Every CodeCheck conversion variable is initial­ized to zero at the start of execution, and again at the end of the scan of the operands of every executable operator.


cnv_any_to_bitfield          Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from any type to a bitfield.

cnv_any_to_ptr                 Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from any non-pointer type to a pointer type.

cnv_bitfield_to_any          Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from a bitfield to any type.

cnv_const_to_any              Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from a constant type to any non-constant type.

cnv_float_to_int                Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from a floating-point type to an integer type.

cnv_int_to_float                Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from an integer type to a floating-point type.

cnv_ptr_to_any                 Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from a pointer type to any non-pointer type.

cnv_ptr_to_ptr                  Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from a pointer type to a different pointer type.

cnv_signed_to_any            Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from a signed type to any unsigned type.

cnv_truncate                     Set to 1 when an expression requires an implicit con­version from a larger arithmetic type to a smaller arithmetic type.

3.2    Declaration Variables:.2  Declaration Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix dcl_ refer to charac­ter­istics of declarators. Every CodeCheck declaration variable is initial­ized to zero at the start of execution, and again at the end of the scan of every declarator. If the declara­tor has an initializer, then reinitialization occurs at the end of the scan of the initializer.

A declarator declares the name, type, and initial value of a single vari­able or func­tion (there can be more than one declarator in a declaration). For ex­am­ple, the follow­ing declaration has four declarators, of which two are func­tions and one has an initial­izer:

         long           eeny, meeny = 1, miny(), moe();

The end of a declarator is marked by a comma or semicolon. CodeCheck evalu­ates declarators recursively, so that variables that refer to declarators that con­tain de­clara­tors are correctly set.


dcl_3dots                          Set to 1 whenever an ellipsis (...) is found.

dcl_abstract                     Set to 1 when an abstract declarator is found (e.g. the type name in a cast operator).

dcl_access                        Set to 1 for C++ protected members, and set to 2 for C++ private members. (Note: this variable remains zero for public members, and therefore cannot act as a trigger for these members.)

dcl_aggr                           Set to 1 whenever an array, union, struct, or class is de­clared.

dcl_all_upper                   Set to 1 if only uppercase letters are found in an iden­tifier name when it is declared.

dcl_ambig                        If the current declarator name matches the name of another visible identifier on the first 6 or more charac­ters, then this vari­able is set to the number of match­ing charac­ters (see also dcl_extern_ambig).

dcl_any_upper                  Set to 1 if an uppercase letter is found any­where in an identifier name when it is declared.

dcl_array_size                  Set to the number of elements in an array when­ever an array declarator is found. If no size is given, then this variable is set to –1. If the array is multidimen­sional, then this variable is set to the total size.

dcl_auto_init                    Set to 1 if an initializer for an auto­matic ar­ray, struct, or union is found.

dcl_base                           Set to an integer which identifies the base type of the current declarator. The base types are defined as mani­fest constants in the CodeCheck stan­dard header file check.cch. These constants are:

#define VOID_TYPE                           1

#define BOOL_TYPE                           2

#define CHAR_TYPE                          3

#define SHORT_TYPE                        4

#define WCHAR_TYPE                       5

#define INT_TYPE                              6

#define LONG_TYPE                          7

#define LONG_LONG_TYPE              8   (***)

#define EXTRA_INT_TYPE                9   (*)

#define UCHAR_TYPE                                    10

#define USHORT_TYPE                     11

#define UINT_TYPE                           12

#define ULONG_TYPE                                   13

#define EXTRA_UINT_TYPE              14  (*)

#define FLOAT_TYPE                         15

#define SHORT_DOUBLE_TYPE       16  (***)

#define DOUBLE_TYPE                     17

#define LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE         18

#define INT8_TYPE                            19  (****)

#define INT16_TYPE                          20  (****)

#define INT32_TYPE                          21  (****)

#define INT64_TYPE                          22  (****)

#define EXTRA_FLOAT_TYPE           23  (***)

#define ENUM_TYPE                         24

#define UNION_TYPE                                    25

#define STRUCT_TYPE                      26

#define CLASS_TYPE                         27

#define DEFINED_TYPE                    28  (**)

#define EXTRA_PTR_TYPE                29  (*)

#define CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE         30

#define DESTRUCTOR_TYPE                        31



     (*)  Note 1:  These are user-definable extensions to the C/C++ set of fundamental types. Use the funct­ion new_type() to introduce these types to Code­Check.

     (**)  Note 2:  DEFINED_TYPE is used when the base type is a typedef name. Use the CodeCheck function dcl_name() to obtain its name.

     (***)  Note 3:  The unusual base types “long long” and “short double” are recognized as distinct types by Code­Check. The type “long float” is considered to be equivalent to “double”.

(****) Note 4: Types __int8, __int16, __int32 and __int64 are extended integral types in Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++ etc.

dcl_base_root                   Type from which the type of dcl_base is derived from. If the type of dcl_base is not a user-defined type, dcl_base_root has same value as dcl_base. For values. See check.cch.

dcl_base_name()               The base type of the current declarator, as a string.

dcl_base_name_root()       The name of type from which type of dcl_base_name is derived. If the type of dcl_base_name is not a user-defined type, dcl_base_name_root() returns the same value as dcl_base_name().

dcl_bitfield                       Set to 1 if a bitfield is found.

dcl_bitfield_anon             Set to 1 if an unnamed bitfield is found.

dcl_bitfield_arith             Set to 1 if a bitfield width requires calculation.

dcl_bitfield_size               Set to number of bits in a bitfield.

dcl_conflict                      Set to 1 when an identifier was declared differently elsewhere. Use conflict_file() and conflict_line for location.

dcl_count                         Set to the index of the current declarator within a comma-delimited declaration list. The first declara­tor has index 1, the second 2, etc, until the semi­colon is found that marks the end of the list.

dcl_cv_modifier                Set to 1 if the keyword const is used as a non-ANSI type modifier (similar to near, far, etc.) rather than as an ANSI type specifier. Set to 2 if the keyword volatile is used as a non-ANSI type modifier.

dcl_definition                   Set to 1 if a declaration is a definition, not a refer­ence. Defining declarations reserve memory space, refer­encing declarations do not.

dcl_empty                         Set to 1 if an empty declaration is found.

dcl_enum                         Set to 1 when an enumerated constant is defined.

dcl_enum_hidden             Set to 1 when a declarator name hides an enumer­ated constant.

dcl_exception                            C++ exception declaration complete.

dcl_explicit                       Set to1 when a declarator has specifier "explicit".

dcl_extern                        Set to 1 if the extern storage class is ex­plicitly used in a declaration.

dcl_extern_ambig             If two external identifiers have names that agree on the first 6 or more charac­ters, regardless of case, then this variable is set to the number of consecutive char­ac­ters on which they agree.

dcl_first_upper                 Set to the number of initial uppercase letters in an identifier when it is declared.

dcl_friend                        Set to 1 if this is a friend declaration.

dcl_from_macro               Set to 1 if the declarator name is derived from the expansion of a macro.

dcl_function                     Set to 1 if this is a function declaration.

dcl_function_flags            If the current declarator is a function or a pointer to a function, then this vari­able is set to an integer which identifies the special characteristics of the function. These function charac­teristics are defined as manifest con­stants in the Code­Check header file check.cch. These con­stants are:


                                                #define                  INLINE_FCN                        1

                                                #define                  VIRTUAL_FCN                     2

                                                #define                  PURE_FCN;                           4

                                                #define                  PASCAL_FCN                       8

                                                #define                  CDECL_FCN                       16

                                                #define                  INTERRUPT_FCN              32

                                                #define                  LOADDS_FCN                     64

                                                #define                  SAVEREGS_FCN              128

                                                #define                  FASTCALL_FCN               256

                                                #define                  EXPORT_FCN                   512

                                                #define                  EXPLICIT_FCN               1024


dcl_function_ptr               Set to 1 if this declaration is a pointer to a function .

dcl_global                        Set to 1 if an identifier with external linkage has been declared. This includes variable, func­tion, and type­def names.

dcl_hidden                       Set to 1 if an inner-block declaration hides an outer.

dcl_Hungarian                 Set to 1 if the Hungarian style is detected (a capital letter is immediately preceded by a lowercase letter).

dcl_ident_length               Set to the number of characters in the declared iden­ti­fier.

dcl_init_arith                   Set to 1 when a computed initializer is found, or when a computed explicit value for an enumerated con­stant is found.

dcl_initializer                  Set to 1 when an initializer is found.

dcl_inline                         Set to 1 when an inline function is declared.

dcl_label_overload            Set to 1 if an inner-block declarator name matches a label within the same function.

dcl_levels                         Set to the number of levels in the current declara­tor. Each of these counts as a level: pointer to…, array of…, function returning…,  or (C++ only) reference to… For simple variables the value of dcl_levels is zero.

dcl_local                          Set to 1 if a local identifier has been declared. This in­cludes local variables, function parameters, type­def names, tag names, and enumerated constants. It does not include labels.


dcl_local_dup                          Signal if a symbol is used more than once at current local scope. The Gnu-Compiler allows this declaration, but warns "shadowed variable”. The value returned by dcl_local_dup was the line number last of the previous declaration.

dcl_long_float                  Set to 1 if a variable or function is declared long float.

dcl_member                     Set respectively to 1, 2, or 3 when a member of a union, struct, or class is declared. In C++ this in­cludes data members, functions, typedef names, nested tag names, and enumerated con­stants.

dcl_mutable                     Set to 1 when an indentifier is declared 'mutable'.

dcl_need_3dots                 Set to 1 when an ellipsis (...) is needed in a function pa­rameter list, but is not found.

dcl_new_array                  Set to 1 when a nonstandard C++ array allocator “operator new[]” is declared.

dcl_no_specifier                Set to 1 if a variable or function declarator has no ex­plicit type information. This variable is not triggered by C++ constructors and destructors.

dcl_no_prototype              Set to 1 if a function definition is found with no prior func­tion prototype in scope. This variable is set even if this function definition is in prototype form.

dcl_not_declared              Set to 1 if an old-style function parameter is not de­clared. That is, the parameter is listed in the para­m­e­ter list, but not declared in a formal declaration.

dcl_oldstyle                      Set to 1 if an old-style (i.e. not prototyped) function is declared.

dcl_parameter                  Set to the index of a function parameter when one is found (1 for the first parameter, 2 for the second, etc.).

dcl_parm_count                Set to the number of formal parameters found in a function declaration.

dcl_parm_hidden             Set to 1 if a function parameter has the same name as an identifier de­clared within the function’s com­pound state­ment.

dcl_pure                           Set to 1 if a pure member function is found.

dcl_simple                        Set to 1 when a simple variable (i.e. neither pointer, array, reference, nor function) is declared.

dcl_signed                        Set to 1 if the signed type specifier is ex­plicitly used in a declaration.

dcl_static                         Set to 1 when a non-local static identifier has been declared.

dcl_storage_first               Set to 1 when a storage class specifier is preceded by a type specifier (e.g.  short static xyz).

dcl_storage_flags              Set to an integer which identifies all of the storage class speci­fiers for the current declaration list. The specifier flags are defined as manifest con­stants in the CodeCheck header file check.cch. These con­stants are:


                                                      #define            EXTERN_SC                         1

                                                      #define            STATIC_SC                           2

                                                      #define            TYPEDEF_SC                       4

                                                      #define            AUTO_SC                              8

                                                      #define            REGISTER_SC                    16

                                                      #define            MUTABLE_SC                    32

                                                      #define            GLOBAL_SC                        64  (*)

     (*)  Note:  Found only in the Vax C dialect.

dcl_tag_def        Set to 1 when a new tag (enum, union, struct, or class) is defined as part of a type specifier. Set to 2 if the tag is anonymous (i.e. has no tag name).

dcl_template      Set to the number of C++ template parameters if this is a function template.

dcl_throw_parameter A C++ throw argument. Created to support java-style exception checking. 

dcl_type_before  Set to 1 when the return type of a function definition is on the line before the line with the name of the func­tion.

dcl_typedef        Set to 1 if a typedef name has been declared. The name itself can be obtained by calling the Code­Check function dcl_name().

dcl_typedef_dup Set to 1 whenever a duplicate type definition is found.

dcl_underscore  Set to the number of leading underscores in the declarator name.

dcl_union_bits   Set to 1 if a bitfield is declared as a member of a union.

dcl_union_init   Set to 1 when a union initializer is found.

dcl_unsigned     Set to 1 when the type specifier unsigned is used in a declaration.

dcl_variable      Set to 1 if a variable is declared.

dcl_virtual        Set to 1 if a virtual member function is declared.

dcl_zero_array   Set to 1 when­ever an array declarator is found that speci­fies a dimension of zero.


Associated CodeCheck variables:

conflict_line      When dcl_conflict is triggered (when a declara­tion conflicts with an ear­lier declaration), this variable is set to the line number for the earlier declaration. The file name is returned by the CodeCheck function conflict_file().


Associated CodeCheck functions:


char * conflict_file( void )

When dcl_conflict is triggered (when a declaration conflicts with an ear­lier declaration), this function returns the name of the file for the earlier declaration. The line number is given by the variable. (See also conflict_line.)


char * dcl_array_dim( int k )

If the kth level of type for this declarator is an array, then this function returns the array dimension (or –1 if no dimension was given).


char * dcl_base_name( void )

This function returns the name of the base type of the current declarator. If the base type is a typedef name then the typedef name is returned. If the base type is an enum, union, struct, or class, then the tag name is returned.


int dcl_level( int level )

Set to an integer which identifies the kind of the specified level (function re­turning…, reference to…, pointer to…, or  ar­ray of…) for the current declarator. The number of levels for the current declarator is given by dcl_levels, which is zero for simple variables. The kinds are de­fined as mani­fest con­stants in the CodeCheck header file check.cch. These con­stants are:


                        #define            SIMPLE                                 0

                        #define            FUNCTION                           1

                        #define            REFERENCE                        2

                        #define            POINTER                              3

                        #define            ARRAY                                  4


int dcl_level_flags( int level )

Set to an integer which identifies all of the type qualifiers (e.g. const) of the specified level (pointer to…, ar­ray of…, function returning…, or reference to…) of the current declarator. The number of levels for the current declarator is given by dcl_levels, which is zero for simple variables. The last level always refers to the base type of the declarator. The level flags are de­fined as mani­fest con­stants in the CodeCheck header file check.cch. These con­stants are:


                        #define            CONST_FLAG                       1            // ANSI

                        #define            VOLATILE_FLAG                 2            // ANSI

                        #define            NEAR_FLAG                         4            // DOS

                        #define            FAR_FLAG                            8            // DOS

                        #define            HUGE_FLAG                       16            // DOS

                        #define            EXPORT_FLAG                   32            // Windows

                        #define            BASED_FLAG                     64            // Microsoft

                        #define            SEGMENT_FLAG              128            // Microsoft


Here is an example of how dcl_level() and dcl_level_flags() work: suppose that a function foo is declared as


float far * const near * foo( int ) const;

In plain English, foo is a constant function of an integer returning a near pointer to a constant far pointer to a float. For the declarator foo dcl_levels will be set to 3. These levels are:

          Level 0:        constant function returning…

          Level 1:        near pointer to…

          Level 2:        constant far pointer to…

          Level 3:        float.

The flags for each level are returned by dcl_level_flags(k), where k runs through 0 … dcl_levels. In this example the values returned by this function are:

          Level 0:        CONST_FLAG

          Level 1:        NEAR_FLAG

          Level 2:        CONST_FLAG + FAR_FLAG

          Level 3:        0


char * dcl_name( void )

If CodeCheck is scanning a declarator, then this function returns the name of the current declarator, other­wise 0.



char * dcl_scope_name( void )

This function returns the class scope name right before the declarator. If the declarator is not scoped, the function returns 0.


int prefix( char * str )

This function returns 1 if the current declarator name or tag name begins the letters in str, oth­er­wise 0. Each subsequent call to prefix within the same rule will start looking for the specified string at the character position immediately fol­low­ing the last successfully recognized prefix. Thus prefix can be used to parse sequences of prefixes.


char * root( void )

Returns the root of an identifier after application of functions prefix and/or suffix. For example, after calling prefix("foo_") on the identifier foo_bar, the function root() will return the string "bar".


int suffix( char * str )

This function returns 1 if the current declarator name or tag name ends the letters in str, other­wise 0. Each subsequent call to suffix within the same rule will start looking for the specified suffix at a position that precedes the last suc­cessfully recognized suffix. Thus suffix can be used to parse sequences of suf­fixes.


void new_type( char * name, int type )

This function informs CodeCheck of the existence of a nonstandard built-in keyword for a base type that is not defined in any header file. The first argu­ment for new_type() should be the new keyword itself, in quotes. The second argument should be any of the possible values of dcl_base (which are defined as manifest constants in the standard CodeCheck header check.cch) except DEFINED_TYPE. If the value is one of the following:


     #define EXTRA_INT_TYPE       6  //  e.g. Macintosh comp type

     #define EXTRA_UINT_TYPE     11

     #define EXTRA_FLOAT_TYPE    15  //  e.g. Macintosh extended type

     #define EXTRA_PTR_TYPE      21  //  e.g. Microsoft _segment type

then CodeCheck will treat the new keyword as a new unique base type. If it is any other value then the keyword will be considered a synonym for the specified C type. Consult check.cch for the complete list of base types.

For example, let us suppose that a compiler has two base type keywords that are not part of standard C, namely long64, which stands for a 64-bit integer, and float80, which stands for an 80-bit floating-point type. This rule could be in­serted into every CodeCheck rule file to handle these keywords:


1    if ( prj_begin )

2       {

3       new_type( "long64", EXTRA_INT_TYPE );

4       new_type( "float80", LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE );

5       }

In this example long64 has been introduced as an integer base type, not equiva­lent to any other integer base type, while float80 has been intro­duced as a sim­ple synonym for the standard C base type long double.

On Macintosh systems, CodeCheck understands the base types extended and comp to correspond to LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE and EXTRA_INT_TYPE, respec­tively. These Macintosh keywords do not have to be defined by the Code­Check user.   

On DOS systems, CodeCheck understands the Microsoft _segment key­word to refer to the EXTRA_PTR_TYPE base type. Note: the Microsoft _segment key­word is not the same as the Borland _seg keyword. The former is a base type, while the latter is a type modifier for pointers.   

3.3    Expression Variables:.3  Expression Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix exp_ refer to charac­teris­tics of C expressions. Unless otherwise noted, every expression vari­able is initialized to zero at the start of execution, and again at the end of the scan of ev­ery statement. CodeCheck evaluates expressions recursively, so that variables that refer to expres­sions that contain expressions are correctly set.

exp_address_array;  Set to 1 if the & (address of) operator is used on an ar­ray.

exp_address_reg;  Set to 1 if the & (address of) oper­ator is used on a reg­is­ter variable.

exp_arith_char;  Set to 1 if a statement performs arith­metic with char­ac­ters.

exp_arith_enum;  Set to 1 if arithmetic with enum vari­ables is found.

exp_arith_unsigned;  Set to 1 if a statement performs arithmetic on un­signed integers.

exp_bitop_paren;  Set to 1 if a bitwise operator acts on an unparen­the­sized operand expres­sion that con­tains a medi­um-prece­dence operator.

exp_cast_byte;  Set to 1 whenever a cast to a byte-length object is found.

exp_cast_from_ptr;  Set to 1 if a statement casts from a pointer to a non­pointer.

exp_cast_narrow;  Set to 1 if a narrowing cast is found.

exp_cast_to_ptr;  Set to 1 if a statement casts a non­pointer to a pointer.

exp_char_compare;  Set to 1 if a statement compares a char­acter to an in­te­ger.

exp_expl_ptr_cast;  Set to 1 if a pointer is explicitly cast to an­other pointer type.

exp_impl_ptr_cast;  Set to 1 if a pointer is implicitly cast to an­other pointer type.

exp_mod_const;  Set to 1 if a statement modifies a string con­stant.

exp_nested_case;  Set to 1 if one or more cases of a switch are nested within compound state­ments.

exp_empty_initializer       Set to 1 when an empty initializer is found.

exp_not_ansi                    Set to 1 if a non-ANSI expression is found. This vari­able does not trigger on C++ expressions.

exp_operands                    Set to the number of oper­ands found in an ex­pres­sion, before macro expansion.

exp_operators                   Set to the number of standard C oper­ators found in an ex­pression, before macro expansion.

exp_shift_right;  Set to 1 if the right shift operator is used on a signed operand.

exp_side_effect;  Set to 1 if an operator with a side-ef­fect is applied to a variable that ap­pears more than once between ANSI-de­fined sequence points.

exp_signed_bitwise;  Set to 1 if any bitwise operator is ap­plied to signed operands.

exp_struct_compare;  Set to 1 if a statement compares two vari­ables of struc­tured type (struct or union).

exp_struct_move;  Set to 1 if a statement assigns, passes as an argu­ment, or returns a struct value.

exp_switch_cases;  Set to the number of cases in the most re­cently parsed switch.

exp_switch_init;  Set to 1 if an initializer for an auto­matic or regis­ter vari­able is found im­mediately after the open brace of a switch statement.

exp_switch_type;  Set to 1 if any type other than int is used for a switch.

exp_tokens                        Set to the number of tokens found in an expression, be­fore macro expansion.

Associated CodeCheck expression-functions:


exp_base_name()                  Class base-name of current expression. Useful for obtaining resultant class-base-name of an overloaded function and/or pointer linked overloaded functions.

exp_weird_subscript;                                                                                                                             Set to 1 if an expression of the form a[b] is found, in which a is an inte­ger and b is a pointer.

3.4    Function Variables:.4  Function Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix fcn_ refer to charac­ter­istics of C functions. Every function variable is initialized to zero at the start of execu­tion, and again at the end of the scan of every function. The special vari­ables fcn_begin and fcn_no_header are triggered when the be­ginning of a func­tion definition is found.


fcn_aggr                           Set to the number of array, union, struct, or class vari­ables that are de­clared in a func­tion (statistic).

fcn_array                         Set to the number of local array ele­ments declared in a function (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_begin                         Set to 1 when the beginning of a function has been found.

fcn_com_lines                   Set to the number of pure comment lines in the defini­tion of a C function (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_decisions                    Set to the number of binary decision points in a func­tion (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_end                            Set to 1 when the end of a function has been found.

fcn_exec_lines                   Set to the number of executable lines in the defini­tion of a C function (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_H_operands               Set to the total number of Halstead oper­ands found in a func­tion, before macro expansion (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_H_operators               Set to the total number of Halstead operators found in a func­tion before macro expansion (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_high                           Set to the number of high-level state­ments found in the definition of a C function (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_locals                         Set to the number of local vari­ables declared in a func­tion, including all nested compound state­ments (sta­tistic).

fcn_low                            Set to the number of low-level state­ments found in the definition of a C function (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_members                    Set to the number of local union, struct, or class mem­bers declared in a func­tion (sta­tistic).

fcn_no_header                  Set to 1 when a function definition is found that is not preceded by a stand-alone comment block.

fcn_nonexec                      Set to the number of non-exe­cut­able state­ments found in the de­fini­tion of a C function (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_operands                    Set to the total number of oper­ands found in a func­tion, before macro expansion (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_operators                    Set to the total number of standard C oper­ators found in a function before macro expansion (statistic).

fcn_register                      Set to the number of register vari­ables de­clared within the current func­tion.

fcn_simple                        Set to the number of local simple vari­ables (char, short, long, int, float, double) declared in a function (sta­tistic).

fcn_tokens                        Set to the total number of tokens found in a func­tion be­fore macro expansion (sta­tistic).

fcn_total_lines                  Set to the total number of lines in the de­fini­tion of a C function (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_u_operands                Set to the number of unique operands found in a func­­tion, before macro expansion (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_u_operators                Set to the number of unique operators found in a func­tion before macro expansion (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_uH_operands             Set to the number of unique Halstead operands found in a func­­tion, before macro expansion (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_uH_operators             Set to the number of unique Halstead operators found in a func­tion before macro expansion (sta­tis­tic).

fcn_unused                       Set to the number of local vari­ables declared in a func­tion but never used, including all nested com­pound state­ments (sta­tistic).

fcn_white_lines                Set to the number of whitespace lines in the defini­tion of a C function (sta­tis­tic).


Associated CodeCheck functions:


char * fcn_name( void )

This function returns the name of the function that is currently being checked.


Associated CodeCheck Variable:

stm_return_void          Set to 1 if: (1) a return has no value in a func­tion de­clared to return a non-void type, (2) if a function has no return statement but requires a returned value, or (3) if a return has a value in a function declared to return void.

3.5    Identifier Variables:.5  Identifier Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix idn_ refer to charac­ter­istics of variable and function names. Every CodeCheck identifier variable is initial­ized to zero at the start of execution, and again at the end of the scan of ev­ery variable and function used within executable code (i.e. not within declara­tions or preprocessor directives).


idn_base                           Set to an integer which identifies the base type of this identifier, using the same values as dcl_base (sec­tion 3.2).

idn_bitfield                      Set to 1 when an identifier is a named bitfield.

idn_constant                    Set to 1 when an identifier is an enum constant.

idn_exception                           Actual usage of C++ exception in code.

idn_exception_base                  C++ exception base-type at trigger point idn_exception. See check.cch for values returned.

idn_function                     Set to 1 when an identifier is a function name.

idn_global                        Set to 1 when an identifier has file scope and external linkage.

idn_levels                         Set to the number of levels in the type of the identi­fier. Each of these counts as a level: pointer to…, array of…, function returning…,  and refer­ence to… For sim­ple variables the value of idn_levels is zero.

idn_line                           Set to the line number of the declaration in scope for the identifier.

idn_local                          Set to 1 when an identifier has local scope (i.e. it was declared within a function body).

idn_member                     Set to 1 when a C++ identifier has class scope.

idn_no_init                      Set to 1 if this identifier is a local variable whose value is being used before it has not been initialized.

idn_no_prototype              Set to 1 if a function call is found without a proto­type for the function in scope.

.idn_not_declared              Set to 1 when a function is called without any declara­tion in scope.

i.idn_parameter;                  Set to 1 when an identifier is a function parameter.

idn_storage_flags             Set to an integer which identifies the storage class of the identifier, using the same values as dcl_stor­age_flags (sec­tion 3.2).

i.idn_variable;                     Set to 1 when an identifier is a variable.


Associated CodeCheck functions:


char * idn_array_dim( int k )

If the kth level of type for this identifier is an array, then this function returns the array dimension (or –1 if no dimension was given in the declaration).


char * idn_base_name( void )

If the base type of the identifier is a tag ( enum, union, struct, or class ) or typedef name, then this function returns the tag or typedef name as a character string.


char *idn_exception_name() 


        Name of exception currently being used at trigger point  idn_exception.


char * idn_filename( void )

Returns the name of the file that contains the declaration in scope for the identifier. (See also idn_line).


int idn_level( int k )

This function returns the kind of the kth level of the identifier, using the same values as dcl_level(k)  (section 3.2).


int idn_level_flags( int k )

This function returns the flags for the kth level of the identifier, using the same values as dcl_level_flags(k)  (section 3.2).


char * idn_name( void )

Returns the name of the identifier.

3.6    Lexical Variables:.6  Lexical Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix lex_ refer to charac­teris­tics of lexical tokens, i.e. the names, numbers, operators, and punc­tuation marks that comprise a C program. Every lexical variable is initialized to zero at the start of exe­cution, and again at the end of the scan of every to­ken.

lex_ansi_escape                Set to 1 if an escape sequence con­tains one of the new ANSI escape char­acters: a, v, or ?.

lex_assembler                   Set to 1 if embedded assembler code is detected.

lex_backslash                   Set to 1 if a backslash-newline pair is found at the end of a line that is not part of a macro definition.

lex_bad_call                     Set to the difference between the num­ber of ar­gu­ments found and the number of arguments expected when a macro function is expanded.

lex_big_octal                    Set to 8 or 9, respectively, when a numeric escape se­quence or octal in­teger con­tains the digits 8 or 9.

lex_c_comment                 Set to 1 when a C comment ( /* ... */ ) is found.

lex_cpp_comment             Set to 1 when a C++ comment ( //...  ) is found.

lex_char_empty                Set to 1 if an empty character con­stant is found (e.g. ''). This variable does not flag the null char­ac­ter con­stant ('\0').

lex_char_long                   Set to 1 if a character constant is longer than one char­ac­ter.

lex_enum_comma             Set to 1 when a list of enumerated constants ends with a comma.

lex_constant                     When a constant is found this variable is set to one of the following values, defined as mani­fest constants in the CodeCheck stan­dard header file check.cch.The values are:


                                                #define                  CONST_BOOL                   1

                                                #define                  CONST_ENUM                 2

                                                #define                  CONST_CHAR                  3

                                                #define                  CONST_INTEGER            4

                                                #define                  CONST_FLOAT                5

                                                #define                  CONST_STRING              6

lex_float                           Set to 1 if a numeric constant is found with the suf­fix 'F' or 'f'.

lex_hex_escape                  When a hexadecimal escape sequence is found, this variable is set to number of hexadecimal digits found.

lex_initializer                   When an initializer is found this variable is set to one of the following values, defined as mani­fest constants in the CodeCheck header file check.cch.The values are:


                                                      #define            INIT_ZERO                       1

                                                      #define            INIT_INTEGER                2

                                                      #define            INIT_BOOL                        3

                                                      #define            INIT_CHAR                      4

                                                      #define            INIT_FLOAT                     5

                                                      #define            INIT_STRING                   6

                                                      #define            INIT_OTHER                    7

lex_intrinsic                     Set to 1 whenever an identifier is a function name that is intrinsic to (i.e. predefined by) the compiler chosen through the –K command-line option.

lex_invisible                     Set to 1 when an unscoped identifier is visible to ANSI C and all ver­sions of C++ prior to 3.0, but is invisible to C++ 3.0.

lex_key_no_space              Set to 1 when a keyword is not followed by a space.

lex_keyword                     Set to 1 when a keyword is found.

lex_lc_long                       Set to 1 if a constant is found with the suf­fix 'l' (lower case “el”).

lex_long_float                   Set to 1 if a floating constant is found with the suf­fix 'L' or 'l' (upper or lower case “el”).

lex_long_long                          Signal "long long" 64 bit type.

lex_macro                         Set to 1 whenever a macro is about to expand. Call function token() for the name of the macro to be expanded.

lex_macro_token               Set to 1 if a lexical token originates from a macro ex­pan­sion.

lex_metaware                   Set to 1 whenever a Metaware High C lexical exten­sion to the C language is found.

lex_nl_eof                         Set to 1 if a non empty source file does not end with a newline.

lex_nonstandard               Whenever a char­acter is found that is not in the stan­dard C set, the value of this variable is set to the inte­ger rep­resen­ta­tion of the nonstandard character.

lex_not_KR_escape           Whenever an escape character is found that is not de­fined by K&R (i.e. \n, \b, \t, \r, \f, \\, \", \') then this vari­able is set to the integer repre­sen­ta­tion of the char­ac­ter.

lex_not_manifest              Set to 1 if a numeric constant other than 0 or 1 is used in any context other than a macro definition or a comment.

lex_null_arg                     Set to 1 if an actual argument is omitted in a macro call, e.g. XYZ(abc,,123).

lex_num_escape                Whenever a non zero numeric escape sequence is found, the value of this variable is set to the value of the nu­meric es­cape se­quence.

lex_punct_after                 Set to 1 if a comma or semicolon is not followed by a whitespace character, a comma, or a semicolon.

lex_punct_before               Set to 1 if a comma or semicolon is pre­ceded by a space.

lex_radix                          Set to the radix of an integer constant (2, 8, 10, or 16).

lex_str_concat                   Set to 1 if two string constants are found, sepa­rated only by whitespace.

lex_str_length                   Set to the length of a string literal (the terminating zero is not counted).

lex_str_macro                   Set to 1 when a macro identifier is found within a string constant.

lex_str_trigraph               Set to 1 if a trigraph is found in a string lit­eral.

lex_suffix                         Set to 1 if a numeric constant is found with any suf­fix (F, f, L, l, U, or u), or combination of these.

lex_token                          Set to the index of the token within the current line (1 for first, 2 for second, etc.) whenever a token is found.

lex_trigraph                     Set to 1 if an ANSI trigraph is found (any­where).

lex_uc_long                             Signal 'L' long type constant.

lex_unsigned                    Set to 1 if a numeric constant is found with the suf­fix 'U' or 'u'.

lex_wide                           Set to 1 if an ANSI wide string or character con­stant is found (prefix L).

lex_zero_escape                 When a zero numeric escape sequence is found, this variable is set to 1 if the escape is within a character literal, or 2 if the escape is within a string literal.


Associated CodeCheck functions:


int identifier( char * name )

This function is designed to be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It re­turns the value 1 whenever an identifier (a variable or function name) has been encountered that matches the given string.


void ignore( char * name, ... )

This function causes the CodeCheck lexical analyzer to ignore any token that matches one of the argument names. Every argument must be a string.


int keyword( char * name )

This function is designed to be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It re­turns the value 1 whenever a keyword has been en­countered that matches the given string.


char next_char( void )

This function returns the lexical analyzer’s lookahead character: the char­acter in the CodeCheck input stream  that immediately follows the current token. This function may not be used as a rule trigger.


char * prev_token( void )

This function returns the previous token that has being parsed by CodeCheck. The token is in string form.


void skip_nonansi_ident( char c )

Skip non-ANSI identifiers beginning with '@','$' or '`'. The char parameter of this function specifies the character which leads the identifier. The value of the parameter only can be '@', '$' or '`'. The other characters have no effect for this function.


char * token( void )

This function returns the current token that has being parsed by CodeCheck. The token is in string form.

3.7    Line Variables:.7  Line Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix lin_ refer to charac­ter­istics of lines of C code. Every line variable is initialized to zero at the start of execu­tion, and again at the end of the scan of every line. The end of a line is marked by a newline charac­ter, or by a backslash-newline pair.

Note that lines of C code are conceptually different from simple C state­ments, even though most programmers usually place no more than one state­ment on each line. It is nevertheless possible to have more than one statement on a line, or more than one line for a statement. For CodeCheck variables that apply to state­ments, see the next section of this chapter.


lin_continuation               Set to 1 if a line continues an expression or declara­tion list from the previous line.

lin_continues                    Set to 1 if a line ends before the end of the current ex­pression.

lin_dcl_count                   Set to the number of identifiers declared on the cur­rent line (includes tag definitions and function pa­ra­meters).

lin_depth                          Set to the #include file nesting level.

lin_end                             Set to 1 when an end-of-line marker has been found (a newline char­acter or the backslash-new­line pair).

lin_has_code                    Set to 1 if a line contains code.

lin_has_comment             Set to 1 if a line has a comment that contains text.

lin_has_label                    Set to 1 if a line contains a label.

lin_header                        Set to 1 if the current line was obtained from a pro­ject header file via #include "filename".  Set to 2 if the current line was ob­tained from a system head­er file via #include <filename>.

lin_include_kind               If the line is a preprocessor line with #include. Set to 1 if the file included is a user header file, e.g. “hdr.h”. Set to 2 if the file included is a system header files e.g. <hdr.h>

lin_indent_space              Set to the number of leading space charac­ters found be­fore the first non-white non-comment char­ac­ter of a line.

lin_indent_tab                  Set to the number of leading tab char­acters found be­fore the first non-white non-com­ment char­ac­ter of a line.

lin_is_comment                Set to 1 if a line has no C code and ei­ther con­tains a comment or is con­tained within a comment. The com­ment must contain text to qualify as a real comment.

lin_is_white                     Set to 1 if a line consists entirely of whitespace (tabs & spaces), or is a comment line without any text.

lin_is_exec                        Set to 1 if a line contains code that is executable.

lin_length                        Set to the number of characters in the line (excluding the newline character at the end of the line).

lin_nest_level                   Set to each line’s nominal indentation level. This value may differ from the actual indentation of the line (for actual indentation, see lin_indent_tab and lin_indent_space). Code­Check as­sumes that curly braces are to be indented only if the com­mand line op­tion –B has been given.

lin_nested_comment         Set to 1 if a /*...*/ comment is found nested within an­other /*...*/ comment.

lin_number                      Set to the number of the current line, relative to the start of the current file.

lin_operands                    Set to the number of oper­ands found in a line of code, before macro expansion.

lin_operators                    Set to the number of standard C oper­ators found in a line of code before macro expansion.

lin_preprocessor               Set to a non-zero value representing the type of a preprocessor line ( i.e. begins with # ). The manifest constants are defined in the CodeCheck header file check.cch. The constants are:


#define DEFINE_PP_LIN      1    /* #define */

#define UNDEF_PP_LIN       2    /* #undef */

#define INCLUDE_PP_LIN     3    /* #include */

#define IF_PP_LIN          4    /* #if */

#define IFDEF_PP_LIN       5    /* #ifdef */

#define IFNDEF_PP_LIN      6    /* #ifndef */

#define ELSE_PP_LIN        7    /* #else */

#define ELIF_PP_LIN        8    /* #elif */

#define ENDIF_PP_LIN       9    /* #endif */

#define PRAGMA_PP_LIN      10   /* #pragma */

#define LINE_PP_LIN        11   /* #line */

#define ERROR_PP_LIN       12   /* #error */

#define ASM_PP_LIN         13   /* #asm */

#define ENDASM_PP_LIN      14   /* #endasm */

#define C_INCLUDE_PP_LIN   15   /* #c_include */

#define R_INCLUDE_PP_LIN   16   /* #r_include */

#define RC_INCLUDE_PP_LIN  17   /* #rc_include */

#define INC_NEXT_PP_LIN    18   /* #include_next */

#define OPTION             19   /* #option */

lin_source                        Set to 1 if the current line was not obtained from a header file.

lin_suppressed                 Set to 1 if compilation of the current line has been sup­pressed by the preprocessor.

lin_tokens                        Set to the number of tokens found in a line of code be­fore macro expansion.

lin_within_class               Set to 1 if the current line is inside a C++ class defi­ni­tion, or 2 if it is within a member function defini­tion that is outside the class defini­tion.

lin_within_function          Set to 1 if the current line is inside a func­tion defi­ni­tion.

lin_within_tag                 Set to 1 if the current line is within an enumeration, 2 if it is within a union, 3 if it is within a struct, and 4 if it is within a class. This variable is not set for lines with­in class member function definitions.

Associate CodeCheck functions:


char * lin_include_name( void )

This function returns the file name included if this line is a preprocessor line with #include.


char * line( void )

This function returns the current input line as a null-delimited string. This string does not end with a new-line character.

3.8    Module Variables:.8  Module Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix mod_ refer to charac­ter­istics of modules, i.e. independently compilable source files with the .c file­name ex­tension, not header files with the .h extension. Every module variable is initialized to zero at the start of execution, and again at the end of the scan of ev­ery module. The special variable mod_begin is triggered just be­fore a module is read.



Associated CodeCheck functions:


char * mod_name( void )

This function returns the name of the module that is currently being checked. A “module” is a C source file and all of its header files. Its name is the name of the first source file in the module.


int mod_class_lines( int index )

This function returns the total number of lines in each named class, struct, or union defined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. These lines include lines in definitions of mem­ber functions that are outside the class defini­tion. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.


char * mod_class_name( int index )

This function returns the name of each named class, struct, or union defined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.


int mod_class_tokens( int index )

This function returns the number of tokens in each named class, struct, or union de­fined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. Tokens in definitions of mem­ber functions defined outside the class definition are included in the token count. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.

3.9    Operator Variables:.9  Operator Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix op_ refer to char­ac­ter­istics of operators. Every operator variable is initialized to zero at the start of execu­tion. When an operator is encountered the relevant operator vari­ables are set. All operator variables are reset to zero immediately after all relevant rules have been triggered. There are three distinct kinds of operators handled here: executable operators (high-, medium-, and low-precedence), keyword operators (for executable keywords like if, while, and return), and non-executable operators (for punctuation marks and declarator symbols).

The operands of an operator are counted in the order from right to left. For example, to get an operand's information with a function such as op_base(), op_levels() etc. from expression “a + b”, the first operand is b and the second operand is a.


3.9.1   High Precedence Operators

op_address                       Set to 1 when an address-of ( & ) operator is executed (one operand). Note: this is not the same as the “reference to” declarator symbol , which has the same appearance.

op_arrow                          Set to 1 when an indirect member selector (‑>) is exe­cuted (one operand).

op_bit_not                        Set to 1 when a bitwise NOT (~) operator is executed (one operand).

op_call                             Set to 1 when a function is called (i.e. just after the close parenthesis that ends a function argument list is found in executable code). The number of arguments is given by op_operands.


op_call_overload                    This C++ method call is overloaded. Function return type is context dependent. Function exp_base_name() may be used to determine actual return class base-name chosen.

op_catch                           The "catch" keyword is set to one when the  C++ error handling keyword is seen.

op_delete                          Set to 1 when the C++ keyword delete is executed (one operand).

op_indirect                       Set to 1 when an indirection (*) operator is executed (one operand). Note: this is not the same as the non-executable “pointer to” declarator symbol, which has the same appearance.

op_log_not                        Set to 1 when a logical negation (!) operator is exe­cuted (one operand).

op_member                       Set to 1 when a direct member selector ( . ) is exe­cuted (one operand).

op_memptr                       Set to 1 when a C++ member pointer ( –>* ) is exe­cuted (two operands).

op_memsel                       Set to 1 when a C++ member selector ( .* ) is exe­cuted (two operands).

op_negate                         Set to 1 when an arithmetic negation (-) operator is executed (one operand).

op_new                             Set to 1 when the C++ keyword new is executed. The number of operands found is given by op_operands.

op_plus                            Set to 1 when the unary plus (+) operator is executed (one operand). Note: this is not the binary add opera­tor.

op_post_decr                     Set to 1 when a postfix decrement (‑‑) opera­tor is ex­ecuted (one operand).

op_post_incr                     Set to 1 when a postfix increment (++) opera­tor is exe­cuted (one operand).

op_pre_decr                      Set to 1 when a prefix decrement (‑‑) opera­tor is exe­cuted (one operand).

op_pre_incr                      Set to 1 when a prefix increment (++) opera­tor is exe­cuted (one operand).

op_sizeof                          Set to 1 when a sizeof operator is evaluated (one oper­and).

op_subscript                     Set to 1 when a subscript ( [] ) is evaluated (two oper­ands).

op_throw                          The C++ "throw" keyword.

op_try                               The C++ "try" keyword.


3.9.2  Medium Precedence Operators

op_add                             Set to 1 when an add (+) operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_based                          Set to 1 when a Microsoft “based” (:>) opera­tor is ex­e­cuted (two operands).

op_bit_and                       Set to 1 when a bitwise AND ( & ) operator is exe­cuted (two operands).

op_bit_or                          Set to 1 when a bitwise OR ( | ) operator is executed (two operands).

op_bit_xor                        Set to 1 when a bitwise XOR ( ^ ) operator is executed (two operands).

op_cast                             Set to 1 when a cast is executed (two operands: the first is the operand to be type-cast, the second is the result type).

op_div                              Set to 1 when a division (/) operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_equal                           Set to 1 when a == operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_init                             Set to 1 when the initialization operator is evaluated (one operand).

op_left_shift                     Set to 1 when a left shift (<<) operator is executed (two operands).

op_less                             Set to 1 when a less than (<) operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_less_eq                        Set to 1 when a <= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_log_and                       Set to 1 when a logical conjunction (&&) operator is executed (two operands).

op_log_or                         Set to 1 when a logical disjunction (||) operator is ex­ecuted (two operands).

op_more                           Set to 1 when a more than (>) operator is executed (two operands).

op_more_eq                      Set to 1 when a >= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_mul                             Set to 1 when a multiplication (*) operator is exe­cuted (two operands).

op_not_eq                         Set to 1 when a != operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_rem                             Set to 1 when a remainder (%) operator is executed (two operands).

op_right_shift                   Set to 1 when a right shift (>>) operator is executed (two operands).

op_subt                            Set to 1 when a subtract (-) operator is executed (two oper­ands).


3.9.3  Low Precedence Operators

op_add_assign                  Set to 1 when a += operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_and_assign                  Set to 1 when a &= operator is executed (two operands).

op_assign                         Set to 1 when an assignment ( = ) operator is executed (two operands).

op_assoc                           Set to 1 when the Metaware association operator (=>) is executed (two operands).

op_cond                            Set to 1 when a conditional (?) operator is executed (three operands).

op_div_assign                   Set to 1 when a /= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_iterator_call                Set to 1 when a Metaware iterator operator (<–) is ex­ecuted (two operands).

op_left_assign                  Set to 1 when a <<= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_mul_assign                 Set to 1 when a *= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_or_assign                    Set to 1 when a |= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_rem_assign                 Set to 1 when a %= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_right_assign                Set to 1 when a >>= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_sub_assign                  Set to 1 when a -= operator is executed (two oper­ands).

op_xor_assign                   Set to 1 when a ^= operator is executed (two oper­ands).


3.9.4  Punctuation Marks and Declarator Symbols

op_close_angle                  Set to 1 when the close angle bracket (>) of a C++ template argument list is found

op_close_brace                  Set to 1 when a close curly brace (}) is found.

op_close_bracket               Set to 1 when a close bracket (]) is found.

op_close_funargs              Set to 1 when the close parenthesis of a function ar­gument list is found.

op_close_paren                 Set to 1 when a close parenthesis for a subexpression has been found.

op_colon_1                       Set to 1 when a “unary” colon is found (e.g. in the label de­fault:).

op_colon_2                       Set to 1 when a “binary” colon is found (e.g. in the ex­pres­sion x = flag ? 0 : 1).

op_comma                        Set to 1 when a  operator (not the comma sepa­ra­tor) is found. See op_separator.

op_destroy                        Set to 1 when the C++ destructor symbol (~) is found.

op_iterator                       Set to 1 when a Metaware iterator symbol (–>) is found.

op_macro_arg                         A macro function call argument. Set to 1 when a macro argument is parsed. Fires between op_macro_begin and op_macro_call.

op_macro_begin                      Set to 1 when a macro function call is first seen.

op_macro_call                  Set to 1 when a macro function is about to be ex­panded, e.g. all arguments have been collected.

op_open_angle                  Set to 1 when the open angle bracket (<) of a C++ template argument list is found.

op_open_brace                  Set to 1 when an open curly brace ({) is found.

op_open_bracket               Set to 1 when an open bracket ([) is found.

op_open_funargs              Set to 1 when the left parenthesis of a function argu­ment list is found.

op_open_paren                  Set to 1 when an open parenthesis for a subexpression has been found.

op_pointer                        Set to 1 when the “pointer-to” (*) declarator symbol is found. Note: this is not the same as the indirection operator (see op_indirect).

op_reference                     Set to 1 when the “reference-to” (&) declarator sym­bol is found. Note: this is not the same as the address op­era­tor (see op_address).

op_scope                           Set to 1 when a C++ scope (::) symbol is found.

op_semicolon                    Set to 1 when a semicolon is found.

op_separator                     Set to 1 when the comma expression separator is found. Note: this is not the same as the comma opera­tor (see op_comma).


3.9.5  Halstead Keyword Operators

op_break                          Set to 1 when the break keyword is found.

op_continue                      Set to 1 when the continue keyword is found.

op_do                               Set to 1 when the do keyword is found.

op_else                             Set to 1 when the else keyword is found.

op_for                               Set to 1 when the for keyword is found.

op_goto                             Set to 1 when the goto keyword is found.

op_if                                 Set to 1 when the if keyword is found.

op_return                         Set to 1 when the return keyword is found.

op_switch                         Set to 1 when the switch keyword is found.

op_while_1                       Set to 1 when the while keyword is found (unless it is part of a do-while construct).

op_while_2                       Set to 1 when the while keyword is found as part of a do-while construct.


3.9.6  Operator Descriptors (not alphabetical)

op_operands                     Set to the number of operands expected whenever an executable operator is found. If the operator is a func­tion call (op_call), then this variable is set to the number of actual arguments in the argument list. If the operator is a cast (op_cast), then this variable is set to 2 (the first operand is the type of the operand to be type-cast, the second is the result type).

op_punct                          Set to 1 for punctuation marks.

op_low                             Set to 1 for operators with low precedence.

op_medium                      Set to 1 for operators with medium precedence.

op_high                            Set to 1 for high precedence operators.

op_keyword                      Set to 1 if this is token is a keyword that would be considered by Halstead to be an operator: if, else, do, for, while, switch, break, continue, goto, and return.

op_Halstead                     Set to 1 for those tokens that Halstead would have considered to be op­erators. These include all opera­tors found within ex­ecutable code and certain key­words (if, else, do, for, while, switch, break, continue, goto, and return), but exclude all operators found with­in declarations.

op_executable                   Set to 1 if this is a standard operator that is executable.

op_declarator                   Set to 1 if the operator is within a declaration, not in­cluding initializers.

op_bitwise                        Set to 1 when any bitwise operator is found.

op_prefix                          Set to 1 for unary prefix operators.

op_infix                            Set to 1 for binary infix operators.

op_postfix                         Set to 1 for unary postfix operators.

op_cast_to_ptr                  Set to 1 when a cast operator has the form (type *).

op_space_before                Set to 1 if an operator or punctuation mark is pre­ceded by a ­s­pace character.

op_space_after                  Set to 1 if an operator or punctuation mark is fol­lowed by a ­s­pace character.

op_white_before                Set to 1 if an operator or punctuation mark is pre­ceded by white­s­pace.

op_white_after                  Set to 1 if an operator or punctuation mark is fol­lowed by white­s­pace.


Associated CodeCheck functions:


char * op_array_dim( int j, int k )

When an operator is executed, if the kth level of the jth operand is an array, then this function returns the array dimension (or –1 if no dimension was given).


int op_base( int j )

When an operator is executed, this function returns the base type of the jth operand, using the same values as dcl_base (section 3.2).


char * op_base_name( int j )

If the base type of the jth operand of an executable operator is a tag (enum, union, struct, or class) or typedef name, then this function returns the tag or typedef name as a character string.


int op_bitfield( int j )

Returns 1 if the base type of the jth operand of an executable operator is a bit­field, otherwise zero.


char * op_function( void )

When op_open_funargs, op_close_funargs, or op_call is triggered, this func­tion returns the name of the function that is to be declared or called. When an expression has to be evaluated in order to find which function to call, e.g. through a function pointer, then this function returns an empty string.


int op_level( int j, int k )

When an operator is executed, this function returns the kind of the kth level of the jth operand, using the same values as dcl_level(k)  (section 3.2).


int op_level_flags( int j, int k )

When an operator is executed, this function returns the flags for the kth level of the jth operand, using the same values as dcl_level_flags(k)  (section 3.2).


int op_levels( int j )

When an operator is executed, this function returns the number of levels of the jth operand, using the same values as dcl_levels (section 3.2).


char * op_macro( void )

When a macro function with arguments is about to be expanded, (i.e. when op_macro_call is triggered), this function returns the name of the macro func­tion that is to be ex­panded. Important: this func­tion only applies to macros with arguments.


int op_parened_operand( int j )

When an operator is executed, this function checks if the jth operand is an expression within a pair of parenthesis. If yes, function returns 1, otherwise 0.


void skip_macro_ops( int b )

This function gives a way to control whether op_ variables are effective on operators from macro expansion. If operators from a macro expansion need to be counted, call this function with zero as an argument, by default, CodeCheck acts like skip_macro_ops( 1 ) has been called.


3.10  Preprocessor Variables:.10  Preprocessor Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix pp_ refer to char­ac­teris­tics of preprocessor directives, i.e. lines that be­gin with the character #. Every pre­processor vari­able is initialized to zero at the start of execution, and again at the end of the scan of every pre­processor directive.


pp_ansi                            Set to 1 if a preprocessor feature is encountered that is new with the ANSI standard.

pp_arg_count                    Set to the number of formal parameters found in a macro defi­nition. (Use pp_empty_arglist to de­tect macro “functions” with zero parameters)

pp_arg_multiple               Set to 1 if a macro formal parameter is used more than once in the macro definition.

pp_arg_paren                   Set to 1 if a macro formal parameter is used without being surrounded by parentheses.

pp_arg_string                   Set to 1 if a macro formal parameter is found inside a string literal in the macro definition.

pp_arith                           Set to 1 if a preprocessor directive requires arith­metic calculation.ifif

pp_assign                         Set to 1 if a macro definition is a sim­ple assign­ment.definedefine

pp_bad_white                   Set to 1 if a non-space, non-tab whitespace char­ac­ter (e.g. vertical tab, form-feed, or backspace) is en­coun­tered within a preprocessor directive.

pp_benign                        Set to 1 if a macro is redefined to be vir­tually identi­cal to its previous defi­nition.

pp_comment                     Set to 1 if two tokens within a macro definition are sepa­rated only by a comment.

pp_const                           Set to 1 if a macro is a manifest constant (it has no formal pa­rame­ters and its body consists of a string, character, or numeric constant).

pp_defined                       Set to 1 if the defined pre­pro­ces­sor func­tion is en­coun­tered.

pp_depend                        Set to 1 if undefundefundef is used on a macro that is used by other macros.

pp_elif                              Set to 1 if the elifelifelif preprocessor di­rective is en­coun­tered. elifelif elif

pp_endif                           Set to 1 if the endifendifendif preprocessor di­rective is en­coun­tered. endifendif endif

pp_empty_arglist              Set to 1 if the definition of a macro “function” has no for­mal parameters.  

pp_empty_body                 Set to 1 if the definition of a macro has no body.

pp_error                           Set to 1 if the #error preprocessor directive is en­coun­tered.errorerror

pp_if_depth                      Set to the new depth of conditional compilation when­ever an #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif, or #endif directive is activated.

pp_include                       After an #include direc­tive has been read, but before the header is actually opened, this variable is set to one of the following values:

                                        1: filename is in quotes, from a macro expan­sion,

                                        2: filename is in quotes, not from a macro,

                                        3: filename is in angle brackets, from a macro,

                                        4: filename is in angle brackets, not from a macro.

                                        5: filename is not enclosed (Metaware only),

                                        6: filename is not enclosed (Vax VMS only).

pp_include_depth             Set to the new depth of file inclusion whenever an includeincludeinclude directive is executed, or an end-of-file in a header file is encoun­tered. See also lin_source.

pp_include_white             Set to 1 if the filename in an #include directive has leading whitespace.

pp_keyword                      Set to 1 if a macro name is a reserved ANSI or C++ keyword, (but not if it is an implementation-specific reserved key­word, e.g. near).

pp_length                         Set to the length (in characters) of the body of a macro definition. Each occurrence of whitespace within the body of the macro counts as one character.

pp_lowercase                    Set to 1 if the macro name in a macro definition is de­fined with any let­ters that are lowercase.

pp_macro                         Set to the length in characters of a macro name when it is defined.

pp_macro_conflict            Set to 1 if a macro is defined differently in separate mod­ules of a project.

pp_macro_dup                  Set to 1 if a macro is defined in more than one file.

pp_not_ansi                      Set to 1 whenever the preprocessor is used in a way that violates the ANSI standard.

pp_not_defined                 Set to 1 if a preprocessor arithmetic expression (e.g. in an #if directive) uses an identifier that has not been defined as a macro.

pp_not_found                   Set to 1 when an #include file could not be found.

pp_overload                      Set to 1 if a variable name conflicts with a macro func­tion name.

pp_paste                           Set to 1 if the ANSI paste operator (##) is found in a macro definition.

pp_paste_failed                Set to 1 if the operands of the ANSI paste operator (##) could not be pasted together. According to ANSI, the result is undefined, and is therefore not portable.

pp_pragma                       Set to 1 if a pragmapragmapragma preprocessor directive is en­coun­tered.

pp_recursive                     Set to 1 if a recursive macro definition is found.

pp_relative                       Set to 1 when an #include directive within a header file specifies a relative pathname.

pp_semicolon                    Set to 1 if a macro definition ends with a semi­colon.

pp_sizeof                          Set to 1 if a preprocessor directive requires the use of a sizeof operator.

pp_stack                           Set to 1 if a macro is rede­fined within a module (0 if the redefinition is benign).

pp_stringize                     Set to 1 if the ANSI “stringize” operator (#) is found in a macro definition.

pp_sub_keyword               Set to 1 if the keyword in a preprocessor directive is itself a macro name.

pp_trailer                         Set to 1 if a preprocessor line con­tains any non­white characters after the end of the di­rective and before the end of the line.

pp_undef                          Set to 1 whenever undefundefundef is used.  undef

pp_unknown                     Set to 1 if a preprocessor directive is found with which CodeCheck is unfamiliar.

pp_unstack                       Set to 1 if #undef is used to unstack mul­­tiply-de­fined macros. undefundef undef

pp_white_before               Set to the amount of whitespace (in charac­ters) that pre­cedes the # char­acter in a prepro­cessor di­rec­tive.

pp_white_after                 Set to the amount of whitespace (in charac­ters) that is found after the # character and before the key­word in a prepro­cessor di­rective.


Associated CodeCheck variables:

conflict_line                     When pp_macro_conflict is triggered (when a macro definition conflicts with an ear­lier definition), this variable is set to the line number for the earlier definition. The file name is returned by the function conflict_file().


Associated CodeCheck functions:


char * conflict_file( void )

When pp_macro_conflict; is triggered (when a macro definition conflicts with an earlier macro definition), this function returns the name of the file for the earlier definition. The line number is given by the variable conflict_line.


void define( char * name, char * body )

This function defines a macro with the specified name and body, just as though the definition had appeared in the source file. The macro may not have any arguments.


char * header_name( void )

When a header file is about to be opened with the #include directive, this function re­turns the filename. It may be used as a trigger in a Code­Check rule. The event that trigggers this function occurs before pp_include is triggered.


char * header_path( void )

When a header file is about to be opened with the #include directive, this function re­turns the pathname to the directory in which the header was found. If the header path is the current directory, then header_path() returns zero. It may be used as a trigger in a Code­Check rule. The event that trigggers this function occurs before pp_include is triggered.


int macro( char * name )

This function is designed to be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It re­turns the value 1 whenever a macro with the given name is about to be ex­panded.


int macro_defined( char *name )

This function inquires if the macro with specified name has been defined at the point where it triggers the rule containing the call to this function. If the macro has been found defined, the function returns 1, otherwise 0. Do not use this function in the rule triggered by prj_begin because at that time the macros have not been defined yet. Also this function is not for the use as a trigger.


char * op_macro( void )

When a macro function with arguments is about to be expanded, (i.e. when op_macro_call is triggered), this function returns the name of the macro func­tion that is to be ex­panded. Important: this func­tion only applies to macros with arguments.


void pp_error_severity( int s )

This function controls how to deal with the preprocessor directive #error. Normally, CodeCheck will quit execution after giving a fatal error message with the string following #error once an #error directive is encountered. This is also the way a majority of C/C++ compilers behave. However, there are some C/C++ compilers that allow users to use this directive just for displaying  messages and proceed with the compilation. To make CodeCheck allow checking to continue on #error directives, call this function with INFO_PP as an argument. To make CodeCheck treat #error directives as fatal errors, call this function with ERROR_PP as an argument. INFO_PP and ERROR_PP are defined in file check.cch. They are defined as:

   #define   INFO_PP   0

   #define   ERROR_PP  1

CodeCheck acts like pp_error_severity( PP_ERROR ) has been called by default.


char * pp_name( void )

When a macro is defined, this function returns the name of the macro.


int pragma( char * name )

This function is designed to be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It re­turns 1 whenever a pragma of the specified name is found.


void undefine( char * name )

This function undefines the macro with the specified name.

3.11  Project Variables:.11  Project Variables;


All CodeCheck predefined variables that have the prefix prj_ refer to charac­ter­istics of entire projects. These variables are initialized to zero at the start of ex­ecu­tion, and all except prj_begin receive their values when the end of a project has been found. The special variable prj_begin is triggered just before a project is checked. If CodeCheck has been called for a single source file only, then this file is considered to be the entire project.


prj_aggr                           Set to the number of external array, union, struct, or class vari­ables in a project.

prj_array                          Set to the number of external ar­ray el­ements in a pro­ject.

prj_begin                          Set to 1 at the start of a project.

prj_com_lines                   Set to the number of pure comment lines in a project.

prj_conflicts                     Set to the number of conflicting macro definitions found in a project.

prj_decisions                    Set to the number of binary decision points in a pro­ject.

prj_end                             Set to 1 when a project has been completely read.

prj_exec_lines                   Set to the number of executable lines in a project.

prj_functions                    Set to the number of functions defined in a project. C++ class member functions and func­tions that are declared but never defined are not counted.

prj_globals                       Set to the number of external variables in a project.

prj_H_operands                Set to the number of Halstead oper­ands found in a pro­ject before macro expansion.

prj_H_operators               Set to the number of Halstead oper­ators found in a pro­ject before macro expansion.

prj_headers                      Set to the number of header (.h) files read. Each header file is only counted once.

prj_high                           Set to the number of high-level state­ments found in a project.

prj_low                             Set to the number of low-level state­ments found in a project.

prj_macros                       Set to the number of macros defined in a project.

prj_members                    Set to the number of members of union, struct, or class global tags (i.e. declared with file scope).

prj_modules                     Set to the number of source (.c) files read.

prj_nonexec                      Set to the number of non-execut­able state­ments found in a pro­ject.

prj_operands                    Set to the number of oper­ands found in a project, be­fore macro expansion.

prj_operators                    Set to the number of oper­ators found in a project before macro expansion.

prj_simple                        Set to the number of simple ex­ternal variables (char, short, long, int, unsigned, float,  or double) in a pro­ject.

prj_tokens                        Set to the number of tokens found in a project be­fore macro expansion.

prj_total_lines                  Set to the total number of lines in a project.

prj_u_operands                 Set to the number of unique operands found in a pro­ject, before macro expansion.

prj_u_operators                Set to the number of unique oper­ators found in a project before macro expansion.

prj_uH_operands              Set to the number of unique Halstead oper­ands found in a project, be­fore macro expansion.

prj_uH_operators             Set to the number of unique Halstead operators found in a pro­ject before macro expansion.

prj_unused                       Set to the number of unused external variables in a project.

prj_warnings                    Set to the number of CodeCheck warnings issued for this project.

prj_white_lines                 Set to the number of whitespace lines in a project.



Associated CodeCheck functions:


char * prj_name( void )

This function returns the name of the project that is currently being checked, i.e. the name of the .ccp file that identifies the component modules of a project to CodeCheck. If there is no project file, then this function returns the name of the first source file in the command-line.

3.12  Statement Variables:.12  Statement Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix stm_ refer to charac­ter­istics of C statements, broadly interpreted. CodeCheck defines a C statement as any of these entities: a declaration, a type definition, a simple ex­ecutable state­ment that ends with a semi­colon, a compound statement that begins and ends with braces, or a goto, for, while, switch, if or do state­ment. Every state­ment variable is initialized to zero at the start of exe­cution, and again at the end of the scan of every statement. CodeCheck evaluates state­ments recursively, so that variables that refer to statements that contain state­ments are correctly set.

Note that simple C statements are conceptually very different from lines of C code, even though most programmers place at most one state­ment on each line. It is nevertheless possible to have more than one state­ment per line, or more than one line per statement. For CodeCheck vari­ables that apply to lines of code, see the Section 3.7.

Several statement variables are set to a value which indicates the kind of state­ment that has been found. These values are defined as manifest constants in the CodeCheck header file check.cch. The constants are:



#define IF         1    // if statement

#define ELSE       2    // else statement

#define WHILE      3    // while statement

#define DO         4    // do statement

#define FOR        5    // for statement

#define SWITCH     6    // switch statement

#define TRY        7    // try statement

#define CATCH      8    // catch statement

#define FCN_BODY   9    // function definition

#define COMPOUND   10   // compound statement       ( * )

#define EXPRESSION 11   // expression statement

#define BREAK      12   // break statement

#define CONTINUE   13   // continue statement

#define RETURN     14   // return statement

#define GOTO       15   // goto statement

#define DECLARE    16   // declaration statement

#define EMPTY      17   // empty statement





?     A compound statement is a group of statements surrounded by curly braces.


stm_aggr                          Set to the number of array, union, struct, or class vari­ables de­clared in a com­pound statement.

stm_array                        Set to the number of local array ele­ments declared in a compound state­ment.

stm_bad_label                  Set to 1 whenever a label or list of labels is found that is not attached to any statement.

stm_cases                         Set to the number of case labels attached to this statement (includes the default label).

stm_catchs                       Set to the number of exception handler’s in a try-block.

stm_container                  Set to the kind of high-level state­ment that contains the current statement (IF through COMPOUND).

stm_cp_begin                   When the open curly brace of a compound statement has been found, this variable is set to the context of the compound statement (IF through COMPOUND). 

stm_cp_assign                  Set to the number of compound as­sign­­ment oper­a­tors (e.g. +=, |=) found in a low-level state­ment.

stm_depth                        Set to the logical depth of a statement, i.e. its nest­ing level within if, for, while, and do state­ments.

stm_end                           Set to 1 when the end of a statement has been found.

stm_end_tryblock             Set to 1 when the end of a try-block is found, at the closing brace of last catch clause.

stm_goto                          Set to 1 if a goto enters a block that has auto­matic or register variable ini­tializers.

stm_is_comp                    When the close curly brace of a compound statement has been found, this variable is set to the context of the compound statement (IF through COMPOUND).

stm_if_else                       Set to 1 if there is a matching else statement for an if statement, set at the end of if statement.

stm_is_expr                      Set to 1 if this is an expression state­ment.

stm_is_high                     Set to 1 if this is a compound, selec­tion, or itera­tion state­­ment (IF through COMPOUND).

stm_is_iter                       Set to 1 if this is an iteration state­ment (WHILE, DO, or FOR).

stm_is_jump                     Set to 1 if this is a jump statement (BREAK through GOTO).

stm_is_low                       Set to 1 if this is an expression or jump state­ment (EXPRESSION, BREAK, CONTINUE,  RETURN or GOTO). This variable will also trigger on a local C++ declara­tion that has an initializer.

stm_is_nonexec                 Set to 1 if this is a local declaration. This does not trig­ger on a local C++ declaration that has an ini­tializ­er.

stm_is_select                    Set to 1 if this is a selection state­ment (IF, ELSE, or SWITCH).

stm_kind                          Set to the kind of the current state­ment (IF through EMPTY).

stm_labels                        Set to the number of ordinary labels (not including case or default labels) attached to this statement.

stm_lines                         Set to the number of lines in a statement.

stm_locals                        Set to the number of local variables declared in a com­pound statement.

stm_loop_back                  Set to 1 when a goto statement is found that transmits control back to a previous label.

stm_members                   Set to the number of local union, struct, or class mem­bers declared in a com­pound statement.

stm_need_comp                Set to 1 if a statement contained by if, else, while, do and for is not a compound statement.

stm_never_caught            Set to 1 if an exception handler ( catch ) will never be reached because the type is shadowed by the previous handler(s).

stm_no_break                   Set to 1 if the current statement is a case statement in a switch, and the previous case did not termi­nate with a transfer of control (e.g. a break or re­turn).

stm_no_default                 Set to 1 if the current statement is a switch without a default case.

stm_operands                   Set to the total number of oper­ands found in a state­ment, before macro expansion.

stm_operators                   Set to the total number of standard C opera­tors found in a state­ment.

stm_relation                     Set to the number of Boolean rela­tional oper­ators found in a state­ment.

stm_return_paren             Set to 1 if a return has a value that is not enclosed in parentheses.

stm_return_void               Set to 1 if: (1) a return has no value in a func­tion de­clared to return a non-void type, (2) if a function has no return statement but requires a returned value, or (3) if a return has a value in a function declared to return void.

stm_semicolon                  Set to 1 if a suspicious semicolon is found, e.g. in the statement while(x); .

stm_simple                       Set to the number of local simple vari­ables (char, short, long, int, unsigned, float, or double) de­clared in a com­pound state­ment.

stm_switch_cases             Set to the number of cases found in a switch.

stm_tokens                       Set to the number of tokens found in a statement.

stm_unused                      Set to the number of local variables declared in a com­pound statement but never used.


3.13  Structure and Class Variables:.13  Structure and Class Variables;


All predefined CodeCheck variables that have the prefix tag_ refer to charac­ter­istics of the definitions of classes, structs, unions, and enums. Every Code­Check tag variable is initial­ized to zero at the start of execution, and again at the end of the scan of every tag definition. CodeCheck evaluates tag definitions re­cursively, so that variables that refer to tags that contain tag definitions are cor­rectly set. Except when it is clear from context, the C++ term “class” in the fol­low­ing may be taken to mean class, struct, or union.

tag_abstract                     Set to 1 if this is an abstract class (i.e. it has at least one pure virtual member function).

tag_anonymous                Set to 1 if this tag is anonymous (has no tag name).

tag_base_access                Set to 1 if a base class does not have an explicit access specifier (public, protected, or private).

tag_bases                         Set to the number of direct base classes declared for this class.

tag_begin                         Set to 1 when the left curly brace of a tag definition is found.

tag_classes                       Set to the number of tags defined within this class. This count includes enum tags and excludes anony­mous (unnamed) tags.

tag_constants                   Set to the number of enumerated constants defined in this class.

tag_constructors               Set to the number of constructors declared in this class.

tag_distance                     Set to 1 for a near class, 2 for a far class, 3 for a huge class, and 4 for an export class.      

tag_end                            Set to 1 at the end of a tag definition.

tag_fcn_friends                Set to the number of friend functions declared in this class.

tag_friends                       Set to the number of friend classes declared in this class.

tag_functions                   Set to the number of C++ member functions declared in this class.

tag_global                        Set to 1 if this tag has file scope.

tag_has_assign                 Set to 1 if this class has an operator= function.

tag_has_copy                    Set to 1 if this class has an explicit copy constructor.

tag_has_default                Set to 1 if this class has an explicit default constructor (a constructor with no parameters).

tag_has_destr                   Set to 1 if this class has an explicit destructor.

tag_hidden                       Set to 1 when this local tag definition hides another at file or local scope.

tag_kind                           Set to 1 for an enum, 2 for a union, 3 for a struct, or 4 for a class.

tag_lines                          Set to the number of lines in the tag definition.

tag_local                          Set to 1 if this tag is local (i.e. defined within a func­tion definition).

tag_mem_access               Set to 1 if the first member of a class, struct, or union does not have an explicit access label (public, pro­tec­ted, or private).

tag_members                    Set to the number of data members (also known as in­stance variables) declared in this tag. Not counted are: C++ member functions, enum­erated constants (except in enum tags), type­def names, components of nested tags (if named), and components of base classes. Use the function tag_components() for detailed counts.

tag_nested                        Set to 1 if this tag is nested (i.e. defined within a class def­inition). 

tag_operators                   Set to the number of operator functions declared in this tag.

tag_private                       Set to the total number of identifiers declared in this tag that have private access.

tag_protected                    Set to the total number of identifiers declared in this tag that have protected access.

tag_public                        Set to the total number of identifiers declared in this tag that have public access.

tag_static_fcn                   Set to the number of static member functions declared in this class.

tag_static_mem                Set to the number of static data members declared in this class.

tag_template                    Set to the number of template parameters if this is a template definition.  

tag_tokens                        Set to the number of tokens in the tag definition.

tag_types                          Set to the number of typedef names and tag names defined within this tag.


Associated CodeCheck variables:

lex_invisible                     Set to 1 when an unscoped tag name refers to a tag whose definition is nested within another tag defi­ni­tion. Such a tag name is visible in C and all ver­sions of C++ prior to 3.0, but is invisible in C++ 3.0.


Associated CodeCheck functions:


char * class_name( void )

When lin_within_class is non-zero (in a C++ class or class member func­tion defini­tion), this function returns the class name. Note: this will be different from tag_name() when an enum is currently being defined within a class defini­tion, or when any tag is locally defined within a class member func­tion.


int mod_class_lines( int index )

This function returns the total number of lines in each named class, struct, or union defined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. These lines include lines in definitions of mem­ber functions that are outside the class defini­tion. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.


char * mod_class_name( int index )

This function returns the name of each named class, struct, or union defined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.


int mod_class_tokens( int index )

This function returns the number of tokens in each named class, struct, or union de­fined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. Tokens in definitions of mem­ber functions defined outside the class definition are included in the token count. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.


char * tag_name( void )

Returns the name of the tag that is currently being defined. Note: this will be different from class_name() when an enum is currently being defined within a class definition, or when any tag is locally defined within a class member func­tion.


int tag_baseclass_access( int j )

   This function returns the access specifier type of jth base class of the class being checked. Use tag_bases to obtain the number of the number of base class. If the value of  augument exceeds the actual number of base class, the result is undefined. Otherwise, it returns 0 for public base classes, 1 for protected base classes and 2 for private base classes.


int tag_baseclass_kind( int j )

   This function returns the kind of jth base class of the class being checked. Use tag_bases to obtain the number of the number of base class. If the value of  augument exceeds the actual number of base class, the result is undefined. Otherwise, the returned value has same meaning as the value of tag_kind.


char *tag_baseclass_name( int j )

This function returns the name of jth base class of the class being checked. Use tag_bases to obtain the number of the number of base class. If the value of  augument exceeds the actual number of base class. 0 is returned as result.


int tag_components( int kind, int access )

Returns the number of tag components of the specified kind and access. The possible values of kind and access are:

     kind                      access

     0: constants            0: any

     1: members            1: public only

     2: functions            2: protected only

     3: types                  3: private only

     4: base classes



Chapter 4:  CodeCheck Functions


CodeCheck has many useful intrinsic functions, listed alphabetically below. The type char* appears in a parameter list when the argu­ment can be either a string literal or a CodeCheck function that returns a string. Unless otherwise stated, these functions cannot be used as rule triggers.

CodeCheck has a variety of useful intrinsic functions, as described here with C proto­types. These CodeCheck functions are grouped here by category. For an alphabetical listing, consul the index under the heading “function”.

Details of the special storage class statistic, which is used by all of Code­Check’s statistical functions, are covered in section 2.6.4.

The type char* appears in a parameter list when the argu­ment can be ei­ther a string literal or a CodeCheck function that returns a string.



4.1    General Functions:.1  General Functions;


void advise ( int on_off )


Enable and/or Disable CodeCheck Internal Warning Messages from Console Output Stream.


int exec( char * program, char * arg1, char * arg2, ... )

This function executes an operating system shell command. First the shell com­­mand is constructed by concatenating all the argu­ments together, separated by spaces. The resulting command string is then executed by the shell by means of a call to the ANSI stan­dard system() function.


void exit( int n )

This function causes an immediate exit from CodeCheck, returning the er­ror num­ber n to the operating system.


void fatal( int n, char * message )

This function prints an error number and message to stderr and then ex­its CodeCheck, returning the error number n to the operating system.


char * fcn_name( void )

This function returns the name of the function that is currently being checked.


char * file_name( void )

This function returns the name of the file that is currently being checked. See also: mod_name(), prj_name().


void force_include( char *header_name, int header_type, int add_or_del )

Function force_include acts similar to the command option /FI of MSVC++ which force’s a specified header file to be included at the beginning of a module when an explicit #include directive is used. Header_name specifies the name of the file to be included. Header_type specifies the file should be included as user header file or system header file. Add_or_del decides if the file should be added to or removed from the list of files to be included in this way, remove the file from list if this parameter has value 0, otherwise add file to the list.

This function decides if the file name should stay in the candidate list. At the beginning of a module, CodeCheck will go through the file list and include them. Files can be added to or removed from the file list any time. However, the effect only shows at the beginning of next module.


int included( char * name )

Returns 1 if the argument is the name of a header file that has been fully in­cluded in the current module.


char * header_name( void )

When a header file is about to be opened with the #include directive, this function re­turns the filename. It may be used as a trigger in a Code­Check rule.


char * header_path( void )

When a header file is about to be opened with the #include directive, this function re­turns the pathname to the directory in which the header was found. If the header path is the current directory, then header_path() returns zero. It may be used as a trigger in a Code­Check rule.


char * line( void )

This function returns the current input line as a null-delimited string. This string does not end with a newline character.


char * mod_name( void )

This function returns the name of the module that is currently being checked. A “module” is a C source file and all of its header files. Its name is the name of the first source file in the module. See also: file_name(), prj_name().


int option( char c )

This function returns 1 if the command line option specified by c is in ef­fect (i.e. has been specified by the user), otherwise it returns 0.


void remove_path(); ( void )

This function will make a path that was set for searching of included header files invalid. Only the least recent set path is removed from the list. The path can only be the one set by function call set_str_option( 'I', ... ). If there is no path left in the including path list, this function has no effect.


char * prj_name( void )

This function returns the name of the project that is currently being checked, i.e. the name of the .ccp file that identifies the component modules of a project to CodeCheck. If there is no project file, then this function returns the name of the first source file in the command-line. See also: mod_name(), file_name().


void set_header_optS( char *header_name,  int header_type, int check_option, int pass_along )

Normally, whether rules are to be applied to system header files is controlled by command option –S. In the middle of the process, it is possible to change option –S by calling function set_option( ‘S’, option ) within rules. However, it is very difficult to change the option for a specific header file to be included.

This function allows option -S to be set to a different value just for specified header file. The function takes 4 parameters.

header_name,   A string that specifies name of the header file this function is to be called upon, it must have the same format as the actual header file name used in #include directive, character by character.

header_type      Set to 1 if the header file is a user header file, i.e.  included within a pair of double quotes. 2 if the header file is a system header file, i.e. included within pair of angle brackets.

check_option     This takes the same value as command option –S, it must be 0,1,2 and 3.

pass_along        If this option has value 0, the effect of option –S set for this file will not be passed along into the header files included directly or indirectly within this header file. In the case of a non-zero argument the option –S set for this header file will be effective to the header files included by the calling header file directly or indirectly unless the nested header files set their own option –S by calling this function.


void set_option( char c, int n )

This function assigns the value n to the command-line option specified by c. For example, when set_option('B',1) is executed by CodeCheck, all suc­ceeding rules are evaluated as if the user had specified the -B option on the command-line that invoked CodeCheck. The –K option cannot be changed with this function — it must be set on the command-line.


void set_str_option( char c, char * name )

This function assigns the string name to the command-line option speci­fied by c. For example, when set_str_option('I',"/new/hdrs") is exe­cuted by CodeCheck, all suc­ceeding rules are evaluated as if the user had spec­ified the –I/new/hdrs option on the command-line that invoked CodeCheck.


char * str_option( char c )

This function returns the string value of the command-line option speci­fied by c. For example, when str_option('L') will return the name of the listing file, as it was specified in the command-line with option –L. If the option is not in the command-line, then str_option will return an empty string.


int test_needed( char * name, ... )

This function is to be used only as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It is de­signed to detect the circumstance in which a function (for example malloc) is called but its return value is not tested (for example, compared to NULL).  The func­tion test_needed returns 1 if a function with a specified name is called and either: (a) the current expression is not within an if- or while-condition, or (b) the next statement is not an if- or switch-statement. The argument list for may be a list of function names. The name of the triggering function may be obtained with prev_token().


char * time_stamp( void )

This function may be used for time-stamping CodeCheck reports. It re­turns a time-and-date string.


4.2    Lexical Functions:.2  Lexical Functions;


int find_root( char * symbol )


Find root base type of name symbol within current local scope. Useful for advanced symbol table lookup algorithms. Can be used to determine if a scope-name is valid. See check.cch for values returned, zero is returned if symbol unknown.


int find_scoped_root( char *scope-name, char * symbol-name ).


        Find root of symbol using an explicit scope name. Very useful for testing the presence of members within named classes. Returns zero if symbol not found within explicit scope.


int identifier( char * name )

This function is designed to be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It re­turns the value 1 whenever an identifier (a variable or function name) has been encountered that matches the given string. See also: keyword(), macro(), token(), prev_token().


void ignore( char * name, ... )

This function causes the CodeCheck lexical analyzer to ignore any identifier or keyword that matches one of the argument names. Every argument must be a string.


int keyword( char * name )

This function is designed to be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It re­turns the value 1 whenever a keyword has been en­countered that matches the given string. See also identifier(), token(), prev_token(), macro().


char next_char( void )

This function returns the lexical analyzer’s lookahead character: the char­acter in the CodeCheck input stream  that immediately follows the current token. This function may not be used as a rule trigger.


char * next_token( void )


Returns string pointer to look-ahead token in source stream from current position. Return value may be NULL near end of line. Used with prev_token(), token(), and next_char().


int prefix( char * str )

This function returns 1 if the identifier currently being defined begins the let­ters in str, oth­er­wise 0. Each subsequent call to prefix within the same rule will start looking for the specified prefix immediately after the last successfully recognized prefix. Thus prefix can be used to parse sequences of prefixes, from left to right. See also root() and suffix().


char * prev_token( void )

This function returns the previous token that has being parsed by CodeCheck. The token is in string form. See also keyword(), identifier(), macro(), and token().


void skip_nonansi_indent( char c );

This function will cause CodeCheck to skip indentifiers that start with non-ansi characters, e.g. ‘@’, ‘$’, or ‘`’. The value of the parameter can only be one of the previously mentioned characters, all other values will have no effect.


char * root( void )

Returns the root of an identifier currently being defined after application of either of the functions prefix and/or suffix. For example, after calling prefix("foo_") on the identifier foo_bar, the function root() will return the string "bar".


char * stm_unused_name( int k )

When there are one or more unused variables in a block, then this function returns the name of the each unused variable, for 0 = k < stm_unused.


int suffix( char * str )

This function returns 1 if the identifier currently being defined ends with the letters in str, other­wise 0. Each subsequent call to suffix within the same rule will start looking for the specified suffix before the last suc­cessfully recognized suffix. Thus suffix can be used to parse sequences of suf­fixes, from right to left. See also prefix() and root().


char * token( void )

This function returns the current token that has being parsed by CodeCheck. The token is in string form. See also keyword(), identifier(), and macro().



4.3    Preprocessor Functions:.3  Preprocessor Functions;


char * conflict_file( void )

When pp_macro_conflict is triggered (when a macro definition conflicts with an earlier definition), this function returns the name of the file for the earlier definition. The line number is given by the variable con­flict_line.


void define( char * name, char * body )

This function defines a macro with the specified name and body, just as though the definition had appeared in the source file. The macro may not have any arguments.


int macro( char * name )

This function is designed to be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It re­turns the value 1 whenever a macro with the given name is about to be ex­panded. See also: keyword(), identifier(), token(), prev_token().


int macro_defined( char *name )

This function inquires if the macro with the specified name has been defined at the point where it triggers the rule containing the call to this function. If the macro has been defined, the function returns 1, otherwise 0. Do not use this function in the rule triggered by prj_begin because at that time the macros have not been defined yet. Lastly, this function is not for the use as a trigger.


int no_undef( char * identifier )

This function returns 1 if the specified identifier has not been previously #undefined in the source file. It may not be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule.


char * op_macro( void )

When a macro function with arguments is about to be expanded, (i.e. when op_macro_call is triggered), this function returns the name of the macro func­tion that is to be ex­panded. Important: this func­tion only applies to macros with arguments.


void pp_error_severity( int s )

This function controls how to deal with the preprocessor directive #error. Normally, CodeCheck will quit execution after giving a fatal error message with the string  following #error once an #error directive is encountered. This is the way a majority of C/C++ compilers behave. However, there are some IBM C/C++ compilers that allow users to use this directive just for displaying certain ‘error’ messages and continue normally. To make CodeCheck allow checking to continue on #error directives, call this function with INFO_PP as argument. To make CodeCheck treat #error directives as fatal errors, call this function with ERROR_PP as an argument. INFO_PP and ERROR_PP are defined in file check.cch. By default, CodeCheck acts like pp_error_severity( PP_ERROR ) has been called.


void pp_if_search( int  )


            Enable GNU-GCC #if (types) pre-processor method. Open-System embedded compiler support. GNU-GCC allows #if test on actual types in addition to simple macro testing. Default for this feature is off [ zero-value ], on [ nonzero-value ]


char * pp_name( void )

When a macro is defined, this function returns the name of the macro.


int pragma( char * name )

This function is designed to be used as a trigger in a CodeCheck rule. It re­turns 1 whenever a pragma of the specified name is found.


void undefine( char * name )

This function undefines the macro with the specified name.


4.4    Declarator Functions:.4  Declarator Functions;


char * conflict_file( void )

When dcl_conflict is triggered (when a declaration conflicts with an ear­lier declaration), this function returns the name of the file for the earlier decla­ration. The line number is given by the variable conflict_line.


char * dcl_base_name( void )

This function returns the name of the base type of the current declarator. If the base type is a typedef name then the typedef name is returned. If the base type is an enum, union, struct, or class, then the tag name is returned.


int dcl_level( int level )

Set to an integer which identifies the kind of the specified level (function re­turning…, reference to…, pointer to…, or  ar­ray of…) for the current declarator. The number of levels for the current declarator is given by dcl_levels, which is zero for simple variables. The kinds are de­fined as mani­fest con­stants in the CodeCheck header file check.cch. These con­stants are:


                        #define            SIMPLE                                 0

                        #define            FUNCTION                           1

                        #define            REFERENCE                        2

                        #define            POINTER                              3

                        #define            ARRAY                                  4


int dcl_level_flags( int level )

Set to an integer which identifies all of the type qualifiers (e.g. const) of the specified level (pointer to…, ar­ray of…, function returning…, or reference to…) of the current declarator. The number of levels for the current declarator is given by dcl_levels, which is zero for simple variables. The last level always refers to the base type of the declarator. The level flags are de­fined as mani­fest con­stants in the CodeCheck header file check.cch. These con­stants and an example are given in Section 3.2.


char * dcl_name( void )

If CodeCheck is scanning a declarator, then this function returns the name of the current declarator, other­wise 0.


char *dcl_scope_name( void )

This function returns the class scope name right before the declarator. If the declarator is not scoped, the function returns 0.


void new_type( char * name, int type )

This function informs CodeCheck of the existence of a nonstandard keyword for a base type. The first argu­ment for new_type() should be the new keyword itself, in quotes. The second argument should be any of the possible values of dcl_base (which are defined as manifest constants in the standard CodeCheck header check.cch) except DEFINED_TYPE. If the value is one of these:


     #define EXTRA_INT_TYPE       6  //  e.g. Macintosh comp type

     #define EXTRA_UINT_TYPE     11

     #define EXTRA_FLOAT_TYPE    15  //  e.g. Macintosh extended type

     #define EXTRA_PTR_TYPE      21  //  e.g. Microsoft _segment type

then CodeCheck will treat the new keyword as a new unique base type. If it is any other value then the keyword will be considered a synonym for the specified C type. Consult check.cch for the complete list of base types.


4.5    C++ Class Functions:.5  C++ Class Functions;

char * class_name( void )

When lin_within_class is non-zero (in a C++ class or class member func­tion defini­tion), this function returns the class name.


int mod_class_lines( int index )

This function returns the total number of lines in each named class, struct, or union defined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. These lines include lines in definitions of mem­ber functions that are outside the class defini­tion. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.


char * mod_class_name( int index )

This function returns the name of each named class, struct, or union defined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.


int mod_class_tokens( int index )

This function returns the number of tokens in each named class, struct, or union de­fined in the module, indexed by its order within the module. Tokens in definitions of mem­ber functions defined outside the class definition are included in the token count. The index is zero-based: the first tag has index 0 and the number of classes is given by mod_classes.


int tag_baseclass_access( int j )

This function returns the access specifier type of jth base class of the class being checked. Use tag_bases to obtain the number of the number of base class. If the value of  augument exceeds the actual number of base class, the result is undefined. Otherwise, it returns 0 for public base classes, 1 for protected base classes and 2 for private base classes.


int tag_baseclass_kind( int j )

This function returns the kind of jth base class of the class being checked. Use tag_bases to obtain the number of the number of base class. If the value of  augument exceeds the actual number of base class, the result is undefined. Otherwise, the returned value has same meaning as the value of tag_kind.


char *tag_baseclass_name( int j )

This function returns the name of jth base class of the class being checked. Use tag_bases to obtain the number of the number of base class. If the value of  augument exceeds the actual number of base class. 0 is returned as result.


char * tag_name( void )

Returns the name of the tag that is currently being defined. Note: this will be different from class_name() when an enum is currently being defined within a class definition, or when any tag is locally defined within a class member func­tion.


int tag_components( int kind, int access )

Returns the number of tag components of the specified kind and access. The possible values of kind and access are:

     kind                      access

     0: constants            0: any

     1: members            1: public only

     2: functions            2: protected only

     3: types                  3: private only

     4: base classes



4.6    Operator Functions:.6  Operator Functions;


int op_base( int j )

When an operator is executed, this function returns the base type of the jth operand, using the same values as dcl_base (section 3.2).


char * op_base_name( int j )

If the base type of the jth operand of an executable operator is a tag (enum, union, struct, or class) or typedef name, then this function returns the tag or typedef name as a character string.


int op_bitfield( int j )

Returns 1 if the base type of the jth operand of an executable operator is a bit­field, otherwise zero.


char * op_function( void )

When op_open_funargs, op_close_funargs, or op_call is triggered, this func­tion returns the name of the function that is to be declared or called. When an expression has to be evaluated in order to find which function to call, e.g. through a function pointer, then this function returns an empty string.


int op_level( int j, int k )

When an operator is executed, this function returns the kind of the kth level of the jth operand, using the same values as dcl_level(k)  (section 3.2).


int op_level_flags( int j, int k )

When an operator is executed, this function returns the flags for the kth level of the jth operand, using the same values as dcl_level_flags(k)  (section 3.2).


int op_levels( int j )

When an operator is executed, this function returns the number of levels of the jth operand, using the same values as dcl_levels (section 3.2).


char * op_macro( void )

This function returns the name of the macro function as it is about to be ex­panded. It is triggered at the same time as op_macro_call. Note that this func­tion only applies to macros with arguments. See also op_function().


int op_parened_operand( int j )

When an operator is executed, this function checks if the jth operand is an expression within a pair of parenthesis. If yes, function returns 1, otherwise 0.


void skip_macro_ops( int b )

This function gives a way to control whether op_ variables are effective on operators from macro expansion. If operators from a macro expansion need to be counted, call this function with a non-zero integer as argument. Otherwise, pass 0 as argument. CodeCheck acts like skip_macro_ops ( 1 ) has been called by default.

By default, op_ variables will not be effective on the operators derived from macro expansion. This function provides a way let user control if op_ variables should be effective on operators derived from macro expansion. When value 0 is passed into function as actual argument, CodeCheck will not ignore the operators of this kind while setting up op_ variables. When a non-zero value is passed as actual argument, op_ variables will not be set for the operators derived from macro expansion.


4.7    Character Functions:.7  Character Functions;


int isalpha( int ch )

Returns 1 if ch is an alphabetic character. Precisely the same as the ANSI function of the same name.


int isdigit( int ch )

Returns 1 if ch is a decimal digit. Precisely the same as the ANSI function of the same name.


int islower( int ch )

Returns 1 if ch is a lower case letter. Precisely the same as the ANSI function of the same name.


int isupper( int ch )

Returns 1 if ch is an upper case letter. Precisely the same as the ANSI function of the same name.


int tolower( int ch )

If ch is an upper case letter, then this function returns the lower case version of ch, otherwise it returns ch. Precisely the same as the ANSI function of the same name.


int toupper( int ch )

If ch is an upper case letter, then this function returns the lower case version of ch, otherwise it returns ch. Precisely the same as the ANSI function of the same name.


4.8    String Functions:.8  String Functions;



int all_digit( char * s )

This function returns 1 if string pointed to by s consists only digits ( '0'-'9' ). Otherwise it returns 0.


int all_lower( char * s )

This function returns 1 if string pointed to by s consists only lower case letters ('a'-'z'). Otherwise it returns 0.


int all_upper( char * s )

   This function returns 1 if string pointed to by s consists only upper case letters ('A'-'Z'). Otherwise it returns 0.


float atof( char * )

   This function converts the initial portion of a string to a float. It is identical to ANSI function atof() except that a fatal error is generated if its argument is null pointer.


int aoti( char * )

   This function converts the initial portion of a string to an integer. It is identical to ANSI function atoi() except that a fatal error is generated if its argument is null pointer.


char * strcat( char * s1, char * s2 )

   This function is identical to ANSI function strcpy(). It appends a copy of the string pointed to by s2 (including the terminating null character) to the end of the string pointed by s1. The initial character of s2 overwrites the null character at the end of s1. It returns the value of s1. If either of its arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


char * strchr( char * s, int c )

This function is identical to ANSI function strchr(), it locates the first occurrence of c (converted to a char) in the string pointed to by s. The terminating null character is considered to be part of the string. It returns a pointer to the located character or 0 if the character does not exist in the string. The first argument is a null pointer, a fatal error is generated.


int strcmp( char * s1, char * s2 )

This function is identical to ANSI function strcmp(), it compares the string pointed to by s1 to string pointed to by s2. It returns an integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0, accordingly as the string pointed to by s1 is greater than, equal to, or less than the string pointed to by s2. If either of arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


char * strcpy( char * s1, char * s2 )

   This is identical to ANSI function strcpy(), it copies the string pointed to by s2( including the terminating null character ) into the array pointed to by s1. It returns the value of s1. If either of the arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


int strcspn( char * s1, char * s2 )

This function is identical to ANSI function strcspn(), it computes the length of the maximum initial segment of the string pointed by s1 which consists entirely of characters not from string pointed to by s2. It returns the length of the segment. If either of arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


int strequiv( char * s1, char *s2 )

This function return 1 if the two argument string pointed to by s1 and s2 are the same ( not case sensitive ). If they differ, or if either pointer is null, then strequiv returns 0.


int strlen( char *s )

   This function is identical to ANSI function strlen(). It computes the length of the string pointed to by s. It returns a number of characters that precedes the terminating null character. If its argument is a null pointer, a fatal error is generated.


char * strncat( char *s1, char * s2, int n )

This function is identical to ANSI function strncat(). It appends no more than n characters ( a null character and characters that follow it are not appended) from array pointed to by s2 to the end of the string pointed to by s1. The initial character of s2 overwrites the null character at the end of s1. A terminating null character is always appended to the result. It returns the value of s1. If either of its first two arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


int strncmp( char * s1, char * s2, int n )

   This function is identical to ANSI function strncmp(), it compares not more than n characters (characters that follow a null character are not compared) from the array pointed to by s1 to array pointed to by s2. It returns an integer greater than, equal to , or less than 0, accordingly as the possibly null-terminated array pointed to by s1 is greater than, equal to, or less than the possibly null-terminated array pointed to by s2. If either of its first two arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


char * strncpy( char * s1, char * s2, int n )

   This function is identical to ANSI function strncpy(), it copies not more than n characters (characters that follow a null character are not copied) from the array pointed to by s2 to array pointed to by s1. It returns the value of s1. If either of its first two arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


char * strpbrk( char *s1, char * s2 )

   This function is identical to ANSI function strpbrk(). It locates the first occurrence in the string pointed to by s1 of any character from the string pointed to by s2. It returns a pointer to the character, or 0 if no character from s2 exists in s1. If either of its arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


char * strrchr( char * s, int c )

This function is identical to ANSI function strrchr(). It locates the last occurrence of c (converted to a char) in the string pointed by s. The terminating null character is considered to be part of the string. It returns a pointer to the character, or 0 if c does not exist in the string. If the argument string is null pointer, a fatal error is generated.


int strspn( char * s1, char * s2 )

This function is identical to ANSI function strspn(). It computes the length of the maximum initial segment of the string pointed to by s1, which consists entirely of character from the string pointed to by s2. It returns the length of the segment. If either of its arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.


char * strstr( char * s1, char * s2 )

   This function is identical to ANSI function strstr(). It locates the first occurrence in the string pointed to by s1 of the sequence of characters (excluding the terminating null character) in the string pointed to by s2. It returns a pointer to the located string or 0 if the string is not found. If s2 points to a string with zero length, it returns s1. If either of its arguments are null pointers, a fatal error is generated.



4.9    Mathematical Functions:.9  Mathematical Functions;


float log2( float )

This function returns the logarithm (base 2) of its argument.


float pow( float x, float y )

This function returns x raised to the power y.


float sqrt( float )

This function returns the square root of its argument.



4.10  Statistical Functions:.10  Statistical Functions;


float corr( statistic x, statistic y )

This function returns the correlation of its two argu­ment variables. The ar­gument variables must have the same number of cases. Pearson’s product-mo­ment correlation is returned.


void histogram( statistic x, int min, int max,

                                      int bins )

This function prints a histogram of its argument variable on stdout, us­ing bins equal-width cells for all values between min and max. Every cell of the his­togram counts the number of values observed that are greater than or equal to its lower bound, and less than its upper bound. If the last three pa­rameters (min, max, bins) are zero, CodeCheck will use appropriate values based on the charac­teristics of the given statistic. Each cell of the histogram is labeled with its lower bound.


float maximum( statistic x)

This function returns the maximum (largest observed value) of its statisti­cal argu­ment variable.


float mean( statistic x )

This function returns the mean (arithmetic average) of its statistical argu­ment vari­able.


float median( statistic x )

This function returns the median (i.e. the 50th percentile) of its statistical argu­ment variable.


float minimum( statistic x )

This function returns the minimum (smallest observed value) of its statis­tical ar­gument variable.


float mode( statistic x )

This function returns the mode (most frequently observed value) of its statis­tical ar­gument variable.


int ncases( statistic x )

This function returns the number of cases recorded for its statistical argu­ment vari­able.


float quantile( statistic x, int k, int n )

This function returns the kth n-tile of its statistical argument variable. To give two examples, quantile(x,95,100) returns the 95th percentile of x, while quan­tile(y,3,4) returns the third quartile of y.


void reset( statistic x )

This function resets its statistical argument variable. All recorded cases are erased, and the case count is reset to zero.


float stdev( statistic x )

This function returns the standard deviation of its statistical argument vari­able.


float variance( statistic x )

This function returns the variance of its statistical argument variable.



4.11  Input/Output Functions

:.11  Input/Output Functions;

int eprintf( char * format, ... )

   This function behaves exactly as function printf() except that the output is on stderr instead of stdout.


int fclose( FILE * stream )

This function is identical to the ANSI standard fclose function. Do not include the header file stdio.h in the rule file — CodeCheck uses its own internal declarations for the standard IO functions.


FILE * fopen( char * filename )

This function is identical to the ANSI standard fopen function. Do not in­clude the header file stdio.h in the rule file — CodeCheck uses its own internal declarations for the standard IO functions.


int fprintf( FILE * stream, char * format, ... )

This function is similar to the ANSI standard fprintf function. Do not in­clude the header file stdio.h in the rule file — CodeCheck uses its own internal declarations for the standard IO functions.


int fscanf( FILE * stream, char * format, ... )

This function is similar to the ANSI standard fscanf function. The ar­gu­ment vari­ables may be of type int, float, char, char[], or char*. All the usual format­ting conventions are supported. Do not in­clude the header file stdio.h in the rule file — CodeCheck uses its own internal declarations for the standard IO functions.


int printf( char * format, ... )

This function is similar to the ANSI standard printf function. The ar­gu­ment vari­ables may be of type int, float, char, or char*. All the usual format­ting con­ventions are supported except the as­terisk no­tation and the %n format. Do not in­clude the header file stdio.h in the rule file — CodeCheck uses its own internal declarations for the standard IO functions.


int scanf( char * format, ... )

This function is similar to the ANSI standard scanf function. The ar­gu­ment vari­ables may be of type int, float, char, char[], or char*. All the usual format­ting conventions are supported. Do not in­clude the header file stdio.h in the rule file — CodeCheck uses its own internal declarations for the standard IO functions.


int sprintf( char * string, char * format, ... )

    This function is similar to the ANSI stardard sprintf function. The argument variables may be of type int, float, char, or char*. All the usual formatting conventions are supported except the asterisk notion and the %n format. Do not include the header file <stdio.h> in the rule file -- CodeCheck uses its own internal declarations for the standard IO functions.


int sscanf( char * string, char * format ... )

   This function is similar to the ANSI standard sscanf function. The argument variables may be of type int, float, char or char*. All the usual formatting conventions are supported. Do not include the header file stdio.h in the rule file -- CodeCheck uses its own internal declaration for the standard IO functions.


void warn( int n, char * format, ... )

This function prints an error number and formatted message to the st­derr stream, to­gether with the filename and line number of the C source which trig­gered the mes­sage. If a listing file is open, then the warning mes­sage is echoed in the listing file with a marker indicating the position of the error. The warn func­tion is modeled after the C function printf. The argu­ment vari­ables that follow the format string may be of type int, float, char, or char*. All for­mat­ting conventions are sup­ported except the as­terisk no­tation and the %n format.


Warning Messages


Warning messages from CodeCheck may originate from the evaluation of rules in a rule file, or they may originate from CodeCheck itself. In the former case the error number will carry the prefix W, while in the latter case the prefix is C. This is the only way to distinguish between these two kinds of warnings.

It is frequently extremely helpful to view warning messages in their complete context. To do this, use the –L command-line option. CodeCheck will then create a listing file, named check.lst. In this listing file every line is shown with its line number and error messages, with a marker showing the exact token that triggered each error message. Lines that were suppressed by the preprocessor (through #if conditionals) are shown with a hyphen substituted for the line number. If an error occurred within the expansion of a long or complicated macro, then use the –M option to show all macro expansions in the listing file. If an error occurred within a header file, then use the –H option to show all headers fully listed in the listing file.



Warnings Issued by Rules;


Warning messages that originate from rule evaluation were written by the author of the rules, and are generated by the CodeCheck warn() function. These warning messages have the fol­lowing format:

filename(line-number): Warning Wxxxx: text of message


Macintosh version only: the second line of the message gives the complete path­name for the file in which the problem was encoun­tered, and the line num­ber that was being processed at the time the error was found, in the standard MPW format for error messages.


Error Warning Functions;



User programmable Warning functions.


char * err_message()

Returns the message body of warning message numbered as                    CXXXX.


int err_syntax

Set to an integer when CodeCheck encounters a syntax error                    which is CXXXX. The value of the integer is 1 greater  than value XXXX.



Issue fatal error number with message string. CodeCheck will exit(-1) when this function is called.


int warn( int num, char *control, char * message, … )             

Generates a warning message. First argument unique error number, following arguments similar to stdlib function printf(). This is an information function only, processing will continue.

Warnings Issued by CodeCheck;


CodeCheck’s own warning messages are informational only; they deal with situations that appear to be syntactic or semantic errors. These warning messages have a similar format (the only difference being the prefix on the error number).

filename(line-number): Warning Cxxxx: text of message

After CodeCheck issues a warning error message, it attempts to proceed with further check­ing. Like any compiler, CodeCheck may become confused by a syntax error and issue a variety of nonsensical messages until finally encountering a fatal error condition. In this circumstance the only meaningful error message is the first.


C0000     Syntax Error.

               A minor syntax error has been encountered, from which Code­Check can usually make a graceful recovery.

               CodeCheck may provide more information in an additional warn­ing mes­sage, and will attempt to continue checking the source file.

C0001     Premature end of macro argument list.

               There were fewer actual arguments in a macro call than there were formal parameters in the macro definition.

C0002     Missing macro argument.

               An actual argument in a macro call was missing.

C0003     Too many macro arguments.

               There were more actual arguments in a macro call than there were formal parameters in the macro definition.

C0004     Too many type modifiers.

               The number of type modifiers (pointer to, array of, or function) in a declaration exceeded the maximum that CodeCheck can record.

               The declaration should be simplified.

C0005     Empty #ifdef

               An #ifdef or #ifndef directive was found without an argument.

               CodeCheck assumes the value TRUE for the test.

C0006     Previous semicolon missing?

               The syntax error on the indicated line may be due to a missing semi­colon in a previous statement.

               CodeCheck will attempt to continue checking, but all code between the missing semicolon and the marked semicolon will not be checked.

C0007     Missing right parenthesis.

               CodeCheck expected a right parenthesis at the position marked in the list­ing, but did not find one.

               CodeCheck will attempt to continue checking by pretending that there was a right parenthesis just before the marked position.

C0008     Macro defined differently in file <filename>

               The differences between this macro definition and the definition in the given file are not trivial.

               This is at best very poor style. All macro definitions should agree within a project.

C0009     Not a legal constant expression.

               Standard C places many restrictions on what can appear in a con­stant ex­pression. This expression violates at least one such restric­tion.

               CodeCheck will attempt to continue checking by pretending that the con­stant expression was in fact legal.

C0010     String literal too long for CodeCheck.

               The length of a string literal constant exceeded the capacity of Code­Check’s internal buffer. Note that ANSI C compilers are only re­quired to handle string literals of length 509.

               CodeCheck will truncate the string for purposes of further checking. This will limit its ability to find macros embedded in the string.

C0011     Type or storage class specifier required.

               A declarator was found without a type or storage class specifier. This grammatical construction is obsolete, and should not be used.

C0012     Undeclared identifier <name>.

               The specified identifier had not been previously declared.

               Check the spelling of the variable. If it is correct, bring this message to the attention of Abraxas Technical Support.

C0013     Illegal or repeated typedef.

               CodeCheck could not make sense of this type definition. Perhaps the iden­tifier has already been defined as a type.

C0014     Error in member declaration.

               A class, struct, or union member declaration has an error, possibly an un­de­clared type or illegal declarator.

C0015     Tag redefinition.

               This enum, union, struct, or class tag has already been defined within the current scope.

C0016     <identifier> was declared differently in file <filename>.

               A discrepancy was found between the current declaration and a pre­vi­ous declaration for the same identifier.

C0017     ANSI C prohibits type specifiers with typedef names.

               The ANSI standard explicitly prohibits using type specifiers and type­def names within the same declaration.

               CodeCheck will attempt to make sense out of the declaration, but agree­ment with nonstandard compilers cannot be guaranteed.

C0018     End-of-line found in a literal string or char.

               A literal string or character constant was not properly terminated.

C0019     Rule triggers cannot have else-clauses.

               The top-level if-statement in a CodeCheck rule has an else-clause. This is not permitted in CodeCheck rules, because the “else” condi­tion describes an ill-defined event (how often does an event not oc­cur?).

               CodeCheck will ignore the else-clause. Rewrite the rule, if possible.

C0020     Error in declaration.

               The indicated declaration contains a syntax error. One common rea­son: an undefined typedef name.

               CodeCheck will ignore the troublesome declaration, and will at­tempt to con­tinue parsing.

C0021     Floating-point constants found in a constant expressions.

               A floating-point constant (a number with a decimal point or the F suf­fix) was encountered in a preprocessor constant expression.

               CodeCheck will convert the constant to a long and continue. The re­sult may not be what the programmer intended. Note: the ANSI C standard forbids floating-point constants in this context.

C0022     Tag type conflict for aggregate <tagname> in file <filename>.

               An aggregated data structure (union, struct, or class) with the same tag name but a different tag type was defined earlier.

C0023     Could not open header file <filename>.

               CodeCheck could not open the specified file.

               Verify that the file exists, that it is not already open, and that it is in a di­rectory known to CodeCheck (the –I command-line option can be used to specify directory paths).

C0024     Labels must be within function definitions.

               A label was found outside any function definition.

C0025     Invalid argument for CodeCheck math function.

               An inappropriate argument was passed to a mathematical function within a CodeCheck rule. For example, the sqrt function may have received a negative argument.

C0026     This function ought to be in the rule trigger.

               Certain CodeCheck functions, e.g. test_needed, are designed to be used in the trigger of a rule. When used outside the trigger these func­tions may not work as intended.

C0027     This CodeCheck function has not been implemented.

               (This error message should not occur.)

C0028     Invalid preprocessor constant expression.

               A constant expression could not be evaluated by the preprocessor.

               CodeCheck attempts to proceed using the part of the expression that has been evaluated up to this point. If the entire expression is empty, then CodeCheck assumes a value of zero.

C0029     String, comment, or character literal terminated by end of file.

               An end-of-file marker was unexpectedly encountered while reading a string, comment, or character literal.

C0030     Divide by zero.

               During evaluation of a CodeCheck rule a division by zero was at­temp­ted. The result was set to zero.

C0031     This statement must go inside a rule.

               During compilation of a rule file, CodeCheck found an executable state­ment that was not part of a rule. Every executable statement in a rule file must be embedded within a rule.

               The rule programmer probably intended the statement to be exe­cuted either (a) once only, at the beginning of a project, or (b) at the begin­ning of the scan of each module. If (a) then embed the code within a rule that is triggered by prj_begin. If (b) then use mod_begin.

C0032     Nested comment.

               A /* … */ comment was found embedded within a /* … */ com­ment. This will cause a syntax error unless the –N command-line option is in effect. Note that embedded comments are not permitted in ANSI C.

C0033     This trigger may describe an ill-defined event.

               The CodeCheck rule compiler has reason to believe that the indi­cated rule will never be triggered. For example, the trigger event may be de­fined as a logical negation, such as:


                           if ( ! lin_has_comment )

                                 { ...

               This event is not well defined because the set of all events that are not lines-with-comments is indeterminate. Rewrite such rules so that they are triggered by an event that positively will occur, e.g.


                           if ( lin_end )

                                 if ( ! lin_has_comment )

                                       { ...

C0034     Illegal parameter declaration.

               This function declaration seems to mix old-style and new-style (proto­typed) parameters. It is illegal in ANSI C to mix these styles.

C0035     A reserved keyword may have been used as an identifier.

               Some older C compilers permit the use of certain ANSI and C++ re­served key­words (e.g. const and volatile) as identifiers. This syn­tax error may have been caused by such an identifier.

               If you are using reserved keywords as identifiers, change them. Not only will this make Code­Check happy, it will also greatly improve the maintain­ability and portability of your program.

C0036     Function definition expected here.

               A function definition was expected but not found.

C0037     Nested class tag1::tag2 cannot be found.

               The specified class definition could not be found by CodeCheck.

               If the class definition is in fact in the source code, and if your compiler has no trouble with the source code, then please fax a Trouble Report Form to Abraxas Technical Support.

C0038     Option <command-line option> not understood.

               A command-line option did not make sense.

               Please verify that the option you used is in the correct format. A brief explanation of all command-line options can be obtained by invoking CodeCheck with no arguments.

C0039     Bad message.

               This return code should never occur.

C0040     Improper call to CodeCheck function new_type().

               The function new_type() was used incorrectly in a CodeCheck rule. The actual text of this warning will specify exactly what was wrong with the call.

C0041     Do not declare CodeCheck variables with initializers.

               An initializer was found in a declaration in a CodeCheck rule file.

               Remove the initializer, and set the variable appropriately within a rule that is triggered by mod_begin.

C0042     CodeCheck was confused by this C++ class initializer.

               This message should never occur. Please fax a copy of the code that caused this message to Abraxas Technical Support.

C0043     Trigraph in character literal: replace ??' with ?\?'.

               Two question marks followed by a single quote is an ANSI trigraph, a symbol sequence that is interpreted by ANSI compilers as the carat ^ symbol (which is not present on some European keyboards). This trigraph was found within a character literal, implying that it was not intended to be a trigraph.

               Insert a backslash character between the two question marks. This will prevent syntax errors when your code is parsed by ANSI compilers, and will not change the meaning of the code under any compiler.

C0044     Do not use template arguments with a constructor name.

               According to the Annotated C++ Reference Manual, page 350, it is not syntactically correct to use template arguments in the declaration of a constructor or destructor for a template class.

               CodeCheck will ignore the template arguments. The arguments should be removed, as they will make the template definition nonportable.

C0045     Member <name> not found within <tag>.

               The named member could not be found within the union, struct, or class.

C0046     Attempt to modify a constant.

               An attempt was made either to assign a value to a constant, or to increment or decrement a constant using the ++ or –– operator.

C0047     Assignment incompatibility.

               An assignment could not be compiled because the destination type is not compatible with the source type.

C0048     Function return type incompatibility.

               The type of the value in a return statement is not compatible with the declared return type of the function.

C0049     Argument <k> incompatible with prototype.

               The type of the kth argument in a function call is not compatible with the declared type of the corresponding formal parameter in the function prototype currently in scope.

C0050     There is no class to inherit from.

               The inherited keyword has been used when there is no class to inherit from (Symantec THINK C for Macintosh only).

C0051     Template <name> has not yet been declared.

               A C++ template name has been used before it is declared. Several C++ compilers consider this to be legal, but it is very poor programming style.


Fatal Error Messages;



Fatal error messages from CodeCheck may originate from the evaluation of rules in a rule file, or they may originate from CodeCheck itself. In the former case the error number will carry the prefix F, while in the latter case the prefix is E. This is the only way to distinguish between these two kinds of warnings.

CodeCheck’s own fatal error messages indicate a very severe problem, one that prevents Code­Check from processing your program any further. These messages have the fol­lowing format:

filename(lineno): Fatal Error Exxxx: fatal error message

After CodeCheck displays a fatal error message, it terminates without any fur­ther checking.


E0000     Syntax Error

               CodeCheck encountered a syntax irregularity from which it could not recover. The actual text of the error message may provide some detail on what was found. If any syntax warnings preceded this fatal error, then the actual problem may have occurred earlier.

               First make sure that your source code really does compile without er­ror on your C compiler. Second, examine the source code in the lines preceding the error message for any unusual constructions that may be pecu­liar to your compiler. Third, follow the suggestions in the section entitlted “Trouble-shooting”.

E0001     CodeCheck is out of dynamic memory.

               CodeCheck ran out of dynamic memory space. This usually means that this source file has too many macro definitions, type defini­tions, and variable names for CodeCheck to keep track of.

               MS-DOS:  Are you using the version of Code­Check that makes use of your extended memory? If so, then add more extended memory. If not, then try the extended memory version.

               Macintosh: Increase the memory allocated by the system to the MPW Shell (the amount is found in the “Get Info” box for the Shell).

               If all else fails, try using the –Z command-line option to inhibit cross-module check­ing. This greatly reduces the demands made by Code­Check on dynamic memory.

E0002     "filename" or <filename> expected but not found.

               An #include preprocessor directive was found without a filename spec­ified in the proper format.

               Make sure that the filename is enclosed in quotes or angle brackets.

E0003     Macro name expected.

               A #define preprocessor directive was found without a valid iden­ti­fier for the name of the macro.

               Make sure that the macro has a name that begins with an alphabetic char­acter.

E0004     Unexpected end of macro definition.

               The end of a macro definition was encountered, without a close paren­thesis for the macro formal parameter list.

               Verify that the macro definition is syntactically correct.

E0005     Invalid macro formal parameter.

               A formal parameter in a macro definition was not a valid identifier.

               Verify that each formal parameter is an alphanumeric string that starts with an alphabetic character. Formal macro parameters must not be ex­pressions, and they must not be missing.

E0006     Comma expected in macro argument list.

               Two formal parameters in a macro definition were separated by some­thing other than a comma.

               Check the formal parameter list.

E0007     Macro arguments found but not expected.

               There were actual arguments in a macro call, but no formal para­me­ters were given in its definition.

               Correct the macro call.

E0008     Too many files.

               CodeCheck’s internal array of filenames has overflowed.

               Please report this condition to Abraxas Technical Support.

E0009     Multiple #else directives.

               More than one #else preprocessor directive was encountered after an #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef.

               Check for improperly balanced #if - #else - #endif directives.

E0010     Dangling #else directive.

               An #else preprocessor directive was encountered where none was ex­pected.

               Check for an #else directive that should have been deleted.

E0011     Dangling #endif directive.

               An #endif preprocessor directive was encountered where none was ex­pected.

               Check for an #endif directive that should have been deleted.

E0012     Overflow in paste buffer.

               The length of tokens being pasted together with the ANSI paste op­era­tor (##) has exceeded the maximum permitted by CodeCheck.

               Verify that the specified paste operation is correct. If it is, then try re­writing the code in a simpler fashion.

E0013     Buffer overflow in ungetch.

               A CodeCheck internal buffer has overflowed.

               Please report this condition to Abraxas Technical Support, with a copy of the listing file from CodeCheck (if possible).

E0014     Exponent expected but not found.

               During processing of a floating-point constant, the letter 'e' or 'E' was en­countered with no following exponent.

               Determine the correct exponent and place it after the 'e' or 'E'.

E0015     Not allowed in a CodeCheck rule.

               A construction was found within a CodeCheck rule that is valid in C or C++ but not in CodeCheck rules.

               Review the differences between the CodeCheck rule grammar and the grammar for C. Remember that CodeCheck rules use a re­stricted sub­set of the C language.

E0016     Pseudocode buffer overflow.

               An internal CodeCheck buffer overflowed during compilation of a rule file.

               Please report this condition to Abraxas Technical Support, with a copy of the rule file from CodeCheck (if possible).

E0017     Undeclared identifier <name>.

               A CodeCheck variable had not been previously declared.

               Check the spelling of the variable. If it is correct, remember that all CodeCheck variables must be declared.

E0018     Too many triggers for this rule.

               An internal CodeCheck buffer overflowed during compilation of a rule.

               Please report this condition to Abraxas Technical Support, with a copy of the rule (if possible). Try to simplify the rule, using fewer variables.

E0019     Nesting of if-else statements exceeds maximum.

               An internal CodeCheck buffer overflowed during compilation of a rule.

               Please report this condition to Abraxas Technical Support, with a copy of the rule (if possible). Try to simplify the rule, using fewer if-state­ments.

E0020     Duplicate declaration.

               Two variables or typedef names have been declared with the same name, at the same level.

               Check the spelling of both names. If correct, then check for an erro­neous redeclaration.

E0021     CodeCheck name table overflow.

               Too many user-declared CodeCheck variables have been declared in a rule file.

               Please report this condition to Abraxas Technical Support, with a copy of the rule file (if possible). Try to simplify the rule file, using fewer user-de­clared variables.

E0022     NULL format string in warn(), printf(), or fatal().

E0023     CodeCheck integer storage has been exceeded.

               Too many integers have been used in a CodeCheck rule file.

               Simplify your rules, and contact Abraxas Technical Support.

E0024     CodeCheck float storage has been exceeded.

               Too many floating numbers have been used in a CodeCheck rule file.

               Simplify your rules, and contact Abraxas Technical Support.

E0025     This type specifier is not allowed in a CodeCheck rule.

E0026     Too many parentheses in declaration.

               Too many parentheses were used in the construction of a declarator.

               Simplify this declaration.

E0027     Value stack overflow.

               The nesting level of a declaration, expression, or statement exceeded that allowed by CodeCheck.

               Please inform Abraxas Technical Support if this condition occurs.

E0028     Underflow of value stack.

               This condition should never occur.

E0029     Improper #elif syntax.

               Possibly an #else was used instead of an #elif before this line.

               Check for proper balancing of #if - #elif - #endif directives.

E0030     Dangling #elif directive.

               An #elif was encountered without a prior #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef.

               Check for a missing #if directive.

E0031     Invalid constant expression.

               An error was found in a constant expression (an expression that must be evaluated at compile-time, not execution-time).

               Check for the use of C operators or functions (e.g. sizeof) that are not permitted within constant expressions.

E0032     Float type is not allowed in preprocessor arithmetic.

               A constant of type float was found in a constant expression.

               C does not permit floating arithmetic within constant expressions.

E0033     <identifier> is NOT a statistic!

               A non-statistical CodeCheck variable was used within a rule as though it were a statistic.

               Only certain predefined CodeCheck variables are statistics. Non-sta­tistical predefined variables cannot be placed in the statistic storage class by the user.

E0034     Too many cases for the statistic <identifier>.

               More than 100,000 cases were recorded for a statistical variable.

               Please contact Abraxas Technical Support if you require more cases.

E0035     Strings are not allowed here.

               A string was used inappropriately within a CodeCheck rule.

E0036     Too many predefined statistic variables!

               There is a limit to the number of statistical variables that can be ac­tive within one rule file.

               Try to reduce your usage of statistical variables, or break up the rule file into several components.

E0037     printf:  unsupported type.

               An attempt was made to print a variable of a type not supported by the CodeCheck printf function.

E0038     Do not modify predefined CodeCheck variables!

               An attempt was made to assign a value to a predefined CodeCheck vari­able.

E0039     Attempt to reset a non-statistical variable: <identifier>

               The reset() function cannot be used on non-statistical variables.

E0040     Not an lvalue!

               The expression on the left-hand-side of an assignment operator within a CodeCheck rule is not valid.

E0041     Do not use ++ or -- on statistical variables!

               The pre- and post- increment and decrement operators may not be used on CodeCheck variables of the statistic storage class.

E0042     Correlation requires equal numbers of cases!

               The corr function in a CodeCheck rule was called with two argu­ments that have unequal numbers of cases.

               A correlation between two variables can only be calculated when the two variables have the same numbers of cases.

E0043     Not a legal declaration.

               A declaration was expected. What was found was apparently not a de­cla­ration.

E0044     Invalid stringize operand.

               The ANSI stringize operator (#) was applied to an invalid (or null) operand.

               The operand must be a formal parameter of the macro.

E0045     Illegal function declarator.

               A function declarator was expected but not found.

E0046     Constant buffer overflow.

               This CodeCheck rule file uses more constants than the compiler has space for.

               Please contact Abraxas Technical Support if this happens.

E0047     Input line exceeds buffer length.

               An input line for a C source file or a CodeCheck rule file was longer than 2050 characters.

E0048     Variable <identifier> has not yet been implemented.

               The specified variable will be implemented in a later release.

               Check with Abraxas Software to see if you have the latest release.

E0049     <type identifier> does not make sense here.

               Among the common causes for this error are:  (1) a header file con­tain­ing a necessary type definition was not included, or (2) a needed type definition is hidden within conditional code. In either case the usual root cause of the problem is that a macro symbol is undefined. Possible reasons: (1) the code assumes that the macro symbol will be defined in the command-line, or (2) the macro sym­bol is a non-ANSI symbol that is predefined in your C compiler.

               Create a listing file using the –H and –M command-line options, and search through the listing for the definition of the typedef name that was involved in the declaration that caused this syntax error. Check to see whether the definition was suppressed by the preprocessor (it was suppressed if its line number is a hyphen), or if the definition is in a header file that was never included.

E0050     Illegal declaration.

               This message is usually a side-effect of an earlier syntax warning.

E0051     Internal CodeCheck error.

               Please report this message to Abraxas Technical Sup­port.

E0052     Unknown preprocessor directive.

               A nonstandard preprocessor directive was encountered that is not known to CodeCheck. Please send documentation on the meaning of this directive to Abraxas Technical Support.

E0053     Missing right curly brace?

               The close brace of a function definition was expected here but not found. If your code looks correct then please fax a Trouble Report Form to Abraxas Technical Support.

E0054     Too many directories.

               Too many full path names were used during project checking (the default is 64 in CodeCheck version 5).

E0055     CodeCheck aborted by user.

               The user hit the control/C key on the keyboard.

E0056     #error directive encountered.

               The preprocessor encountered an #error directive, which caused check­ing to terminate.

               These directives are placed in programs to prevent compila­tion when certain necessary conditions are not met. To determine why the oc­curred, run CodeCheck again with the –H option and study the listing file (check.lst) that is produced. Usually a macro has the wrong value, or is not defined when it should be defined. Determine what the correct value of this macro should be, and define or undefine it on the command-line with a –D or –U option.

E0057     Allowed in C++ but not in C.

               The indicated syntax is legal C++, but not C. Make sure that the correct –K command-line option has been used for this source code.

E0058     NULL string argument in CodeCheck strcmp function.

               One of the arguments to strcmp was NULL.

E0059     Paste operator (##) is the first token.

               The ANSI preprocessor paste operator (##) cannot be the first token in a macro expansion. This is a syntax error in a preprocessor macro definition or macro expansion.

E0060     CodeCheck will not write to any file with extension <extension>.

               As an elementary security feature, the CodeCheck fopen() function will refuse to open a file for writing if its extension is one of the follow­ing: .c, .cp, .cpp, .h, .hpp.

Limits and Assumptions;


Like all compilers, CodeCheck has certain built-in limits and assumptions. These are summarized below. Note that some operating systems (notably MS-DOS) impose severe memory restrictions not reflected in the summary below.


Cases per switch                        Not limited.

Characters per line                    Not limited, but only 255 are displayed.

Constants per enum                   Not limited.

Depth of #ifdef nesting              Not limited.

Depth of #include nesting          Not limited.

Depth of parenthesis nesting      Not limited.

Depth of struct nesting               Not limited.

Function formal parameters       Not limited.

Length of file names                  256 characters.

Length of path names                512 characters.

Length of identifiers                   First 75 characters are significant.

Length of macros                       Not limited.

Length of string literals             1000 characters (MS-DOS)

 (after concatenation)                 5000 characters (all other operating systems)

Macro formal parameters           31.

Members per struct or union      Not limited.

Number of global declarators     Not limited.

Number of local declarators       Not limited.

Number of file names                 A maximum of 4000 distinct file names can be used in a project. Con­tact Abraxas if this is not suffi­cient.

Number of lines per file              Not limited.

Number of macros                      Not limited.

Number of type modifiers           A maximum of 12 type modifiers (array of…, pointer to…, reference to…, or function re­turn­ing…) can be attached to any one declarator.

Preprocessor character set         The CodeCheck preprocessor and compiler use the same character set. Preprocessor char­acters can be negative.

Signedness of type char              CodeCheck assumes that char is signed.

Size of type int                           CodeCheck assumes that an int is larger than a short, and shorter than a long.

Trouble-shooting Techniques;


It sometimes happens that code which compiles without error on your C or C++ compiler will generate a syntax warning or fatal error when scanned by CodeCheck. The most likely causes for these errors are:

•  A macro that is re­quired by your system or library header files is not defined.

•  You specified the wrong –K option, so CodeCheck failed to recog­nize a special keyword or macro, or interpreted an identifier as a keyword.

•  Your compiler has one or more nonstandard key­words that are not known to CodeCheck. You can define new base types with the func­tion new_type().

First run CodeCheck again on the same source file, but specify command-line options –H and –M, and do not use –J. This will create a listing file named check.lst with all headers listed, all macros expanded, and all warnings shown in context. Open this listing file and search for the first warning message.

It is important to search for the first warning message. Sometimes, when a fatal error occurs, there may be one or more warning messages that are numbered as Cxxxx preceding the fatal error message. Since CodeCheck parser can tolerate some syntax error at certain extent, after the first warning occurs, CodeCheck try’s to proceed the parsing on the source code. In the case of a syntax error, CodeCheck will have misinformation or misinterpretation in following the source code. When the error become irrecoverable. A fatal error is generated. Quite often, after first warning message is removed, the fatal error also will disappear.

It very commonly happens that your system and library header files have con­ditional code that either ought to have been suppressed by the preproces­sor, or ought not to have been suppressed. You can tell when the CodeCheck pre­pro­cessor has sup­pressed code by looking at the line numbers in the left-hand side of the page. When code is suppressed the line number is absent. Examine all the code that pre­cedes the first warning message to see if it was sup­pressed when it ought to have been, or vice versa. This process can be very educa­tional: you may find conditional code for features that you never knew ex­isted. If you discover that a macro should have been defined (or undefined), then run CodeCheck again with the appropri­ate –D and –U options.

If the error seems to be associated with a common nonstandard keyword (e.g. near, far, huge, cdecl, pascal, interrupt) that should have been recog­nized by CodeCheck, then it is likely that you specified –K0 or –K1 instead of –K2 or –K3. Remember that strict ANSI C does not include these keywords.

If the error seems to be associated with an unusual keyword (e.g. packed) or an unusual grammatical construction, then it is likely that your compiler has some special features that Abraxas would like to know about. Let us know all the details, preferably by fax. Meanwhile, if it looks as though the code would be gram­mati­cal if CodeCheck were to ignore the special keyword, then a work­around may be possible. For example, users of the Microtec C compiler should always insert this rule into their custom rule files:


     if ( mod_begin )


        ignore( "packed" );

        ignore( "unpacked" );

        ignore( "interrupt" );


This rule will cause the CodeCheck lexical analyzer to skip over every occur­rence of packed, unpacked, and interrupt. Try checking your code again with a rule like this. If it now parses without error then you have found a solution. As an­other example, this rule file will prevent syntax errors for users writing for the Symantec C compiler (these are not needed for Symantec C++):


     if ( mod_begin )


        ignore( "__handle" );

        undefine( "_MSC_VER" );

        define( "__ZTC__", "0x0300" );

        define( "asm", "_intrinsic_" );


It may also be possible to use a macro defined with the –D option to elim­inate this kind of error. For example, the command

check -K0 –Dvoid=int foo.c

will invoke CodeCheck with the K&R keyword set, and the non-K&R key­word void defined as a macro with the value int.

Trouble Report Form

Fax to:               Abraxas Technical Support

Fax number:           + 206.309.0304




CodeCheck Version:  _________  Abraxas Part Number:                                  

Operating System: __________   Platform:                                                      

C or C++ compiler:                                                                                          

Your phone number:                                                                                       

Your fax number:                                                                                            

Please describe your problem. If it is a syntax warning or fatal error, please read the sec­tion on Troubleshooting and try the suggestions found there before faxing in a Trouble Report Form! It frequently helps to show us the relevant portion of a list­ing file, so that we can see the error message in its exact context. Make this listing file by running CodeCheck with the –H and –M options. Do not use –J.



anonymous tags, 36

anonymous tags, 82

AT&T C++, 9

auto, 36

backward chaining, 17

based, 38

benign redefinition, 69, 113

bitfield, 32

Borland, 9

_seg type, 40


access, 29

class names, 84

class variables, 82

constructor, 31, 82

copy constructor, 83

default constructor, 83

destructor, 31, 83

dialects, 9

friend, 33

functions, 97

inline, 34

members, 34

nested classes, 83

operator functions, 83

operator=, 83

pure function, 35

template function, 36

template parameters, 84

unscoped tags, 84

virtual function, 36



cdecl, 33, 134

char, 31

unsigned, 31

class, 31

abstract, 82

export, 82

far, 82

friend, 83

huge, 82

nested, 82, 83

template, 84

cnv_any_to_bitfield, 27

cnv_any_to_ptr, 27

cnv_bitfield_to_any, 27

cnv_const_to_any, 27

cnv_float_to_int, 27

cnv_int_to_float, 27

cnv_ptr_to_any, 27

cnv_ptr_to_ptr, 28

cnv_signed_to_any, 28

cnv_truncate, 28


functions, 87

operators, 20

programs, 23

rule syntax, 19

rules, 15

statements, 19

storage classes, 25

variables, 24

CodeWarrior C/C++, 9

comma, 50

operator, 21, 64

separator, 29, 50

command line, 7


macro, 69

nested, 10, 13, 54

comments, 7

comp, 40

conflict_file(), 37, 72

conflict_line, 36, 37, 72, 73, 94, 96

const, 32, 38


constant expression, 113

dcl_3dots, 29

dcl_abstract, 29

dcl_access, 29

dcl_aggr, 29

dcl_all_upper, 29

dcl_ambig, 29

dcl_any_upper, 29

dcl_array_size, 30

dcl_auto_init, 30

dcl_base, 30



























dcl_base_name(), 31

dcl_base_name_root(), 31

dcl_base_root, 31

dcl_bitfield, 32

dcl_bitfield_anon, 32

dcl_bitfield_arith, 32

dcl_bitfield_size, 32

dcl_conflict, 36, 37, 96

dcl_count, 32

dcl_cv_modifier, 32

dcl_definition, 32

dcl_empty, 32

dcl_enum, 32

dcl_enum_hidden, 32

dcl_exception, 32

dcl_explicit, 32

dcl_extern, 32

dcl_extern_ambig, 32

dcl_first_upper, 33

dcl_friend, 33

dcl_from_macro, 33

dcl_function, 33

dcl_function_flags, 33












dcl_function_ptr, 33

dcl_global, 33

dcl_hidden, 33

dcl_Hungarian, 33

dcl_ident_length, 33

dcl_init_arith, 34

dcl_initializer, 34

dcl_inline, 34

dcl_label_overload, 34








dcl_level_flags(), 37










dcl_levels, 34

dcl_local, 34

dcl_local_dup, 34

dcl_long_float, 34

dcl_member, 34

dcl_mutable, 34

dcl_need_3dots, 34

dcl_new_array, 34

dcl_no_prototype, 35

dcl_no_specifier, 34

dcl_not_declared, 35

dcl_oldstyle, 35

dcl_parameter, 35

dcl_parm_count, 35

dcl_parm_hidden, 35

dcl_pure, 35

dcl_scope_name, 97

dcl_signed, 35

dcl_simple, 35

dcl_static, 35

dcl_storage_first, 35

dcl_storage_flags, 35








dcl_tag_def, 36

dcl_template, 36

dcl_throw_parameter, 36

dcl_type_before, 36

dcl_typedef, 36

dcl_typedef_dup, 36

dcl_underscore, 36

dcl_union_bits, 36

dcl_union_init, 36

dcl_unsigned, 36

dcl_variable, 36

dcl_virtual, 36

dcl_zero_array, 36

declarator, 29

base name, 37

level flags, 38

levels, 37

declarator name, 39

prefix, 39

root, 39

suffix, 39

default.cco, 7, 11

defined, 70

dialect, 9

double, 31

long, 31

short, 31

dynamic memory, 121

enum, 31

err_message(), 111

err_syntax, 111

exp_base_name(), 41

exp_empty_initializer, 41

exp_not_ansi, 41

exp_operands, 41

exp_operators, 41

exp_tokens, 41

expert system, 17

export, 33, 38

class, 82

extended, 40


Borland, 9

C++, 9

CodeCheck, 12

HP/Apollo, 9

Metaware, 9

Microsoft, 9

Symantec, 9

Vax, 9

extern, 24, 32, 36

far, 32, 38, 134

class, 82

fastcall, 33

fcn_aggr, 42

fcn_array, 42

fcn_begin, 42

fcn_com_lines, 42

fcn_decisions, 42

fcn_end, 42

fcn_exec_lines, 42

fcn_H_operands, 42

fcn_H_operators, 42

fcn_high, 42

fcn_locals, 42

fcn_low, 43

fcn_members, 43

fcn_no_header, 43

fcn_nonexec, 43

fcn_operands, 43

fcn_operators, 43

fcn_register, 43

fcn_simple, 43

fcn_tokens, 43

fcn_total_lines, 43

fcn_u_operands, 43

fcn_u_operators, 43

fcn_uH_operands, 43

fcn_uH_operators, 43

fcn_unused, 44

fcn_white_lines, 44


listing, 10, 11

object, 7

project, 7

prototypes, 11

rule, 7, 10

stderr.out, 10

find_root(), 91

find_scoped_root(), 92

float, 31

long, 31

forward chaining, 17


class, 83

function, 82


class_name(), 84, 97

conflict_file(), 94, 96

corr(), 106

dcl_array_dim(), 37

dcl_base_name(), 37, 96

dcl_level(), 37, 96

dcl_level_flags(), 96

dcl_name(), 38, 97

define(), 73, 94

exec(), 87

exit(), 87

fatal(), 88

fclose(), 108

fcn_name(), 44, 88

file_name(), 88

fopen(), 108

fprintf(), 108

fscanf(), 108

header_name(), 73, 89

header_path(), 73, 89

histogram(), 106

identifier(), 51, 92

idn_array_dim(), 46

idn_base_name(), 46

idn_filename(), 46

idn_level(), 46

idn_level_flags(), 47

idn_name(), 47

ignore(), 51, 92

included(), 88

isalpha(), 101

isdigit(), 101

islower(), 101

isupper(), 101

keyword(), 51, 92

line(), 56, 89

log2(), 105

macro(), 73, 94

maximum(), 106

mean(), 106

median(), 107

minimum(), 107

mod_class_lines(), 57, 85, 97

mod_class_name(), 57, 85, 98

mod_class_tokens(), 57, 85, 98

mod_name(), 57, 89

mode(), 107

ncases(), 107

new_type(), 39, 97

next_char(), 52, 92

no_undef(), 95

op_array_dim(), 67

op_base(), 67, 99

op_base_name(), 67, 99

op_bitfield(), 67, 99

op_function(), 67, 100

op_level(), 67, 100

op_level_flags(), 68, 100

op_levels(), 68, 100

op_macro(), 68, 74, 95, 100

option(), 89

pow(), 106

pp_name(), 74, 95

pragma(), 74, 95

prefix(), 39, 93

prev_token(), 52, 93

printf(), 108

prj_name(), 77, 89

quantile(), 107

reset(), 107

root(), 39, 93

scanf(), 109

set_option(), 90

set_str_option(), 91

sqrt(), 106

stdev(), 107

stm_unused_name(), 93

str_option(), 91

suffix(), 39, 93

system(), 87

tag_components(), 86, 99

tag_name(), 85, 99

test_needed(), 91

time_stamp(), 91

token(), 52, 94

tolower(), 101

toupper(), 102

undefine(), 74, 96

variance(), 107

warn(), 109


conflict_file, 37, 73

globaldef, 36

globalref, 36

header files

search path, 9

suppress checking, 11

huge, 38, 134

class, 82

idn_base, 45

idn_bitfield, 45

idn_constant, 45

idn_exception, 45

idn_exception_base, 45

idn_exception_name(), 46

idn_function, 45

idn_global, 45

idn_levels, 45

idn_line, 45

idn_local, 45

idn_member, 45

idn_no_init, 45

idn_no_prototype, 46

idn_not_declared, 46

idn_storage_flags, 46


inline, 33

int, 31

unsigned, 31

interrupt, 33, 134


declarator, 37

flags, 38

lex_ansi_escape, 48

lex_assembler, 48

lex_backslash, 48

lex_bad_call, 48

lex_big_octal, 48

lex_c_comment, 48

lex_char_empty, 48

lex_char_long, 48

lex_constant, 48







lex_cpp_comment, 48

lex_enum_comma, 48

lex_float, 49

lex_hex_escape, 49

lex_initializer, 49








lex_intrinsic, 49

lex_invisible, 49, 84

lex_key_no_space, 49

lex_keyword, 49

lex_lc_long, 49

lex_long_float, 49

lex_long_long, 49

lex_macro, 49

lex_macro_token, 50

lex_metaware, 50

lex_nl_eof, 50

lex_nonstandard, 50

lex_not_KR_escape, 50

lex_not_manifest, 50

lex_null_arg, 50

lex_num_escape, 50

lex_punct_after, 50

lex_punct_before, 50

lex_radix, 50

lex_str_concat, 50

lex_str_length, 50

lex_str_macro, 50

lex_str_trigraph, 51

lex_suffix, 51

lex_token, 51

lex_trigraph, 51

lex_uc_long, 51

lex_unsigned, 51

lex_wide, 51

lex_zero_escape, 51

lin_continuation, 53

lin_continues, 53

lin_dcl_count, 53

lin_depth, 53

lin_end, 53

lin_has_code, 53

lin_has_comment, 53

lin_has_label, 53

lin_header, 53

lin_include_kind, 54

lin_include_name, 56

lin_indent_space, 54

lin_indent_tab, 54

lin_is_comment, 54

lin_is_exec, 54

lin_is_white, 54

lin_length, 54

lin_nest_level, 8, 54

lin_nested_comment, 54

lin_number, 54

lin_operands, 54

lin_operators, 54

lin_preprocessor, 55

lin_source, 55

lin_suppressed, 55

lin_tokens, 55

lin_within_class, 55, 84, 97

lin_within_function, 55

lin_within_tag, 55

lint, iv

loadds, 33

local, 42

logarithm, 105

long, 31

double, 31

float, 31

long long, 31

unsigned, 31


comp type, 40

extended type, 40


benign redefinition, 113

manifest constant, 70

Metaware, 9

Metaware only),, 70

MetroWerks, 9

Microsoft, 9, 61

_segment type, 40

MPW Shell, 122

near, 32, 38

newline, 50

next_token(), 92

op_add, 61

op_add_assign, 62

op_address, 59

op_and_assign, 62

op_arrow, 59

op_assign, 62

op_assoc, 62

op_based, 61

op_bit_and, 61

op_bit_not, 59

op_bit_or, 61

op_bit_xor, 61

op_bitwise, 66

op_break, 65

op_call, 59

op_call_overload, 59

op_cast, 61

op_cast_to_ptr, 66

op_catch, 60

op_close_angle, 63

op_close_brace, 63

op_close_bracket, 63

op_close_funargs, 63

op_close_paren, 63

op_colon_1, 64

op_colon_2, 64

op_comma, 64

op_cond, 63

op_continue, 65

op_declarator, 66

op_delete, 60

op_destroy, 64

op_div, 61

op_div_assign, 63

op_do, 65

op_else, 65

op_equal, 61

op_executable, 66

op_for, 65

op_goto, 65

op_Halstead, 66

op_high, 66

op_if, 65

op_indirect, 60

op_infix, 66

op_init, 61

op_iterator, 64

op_iterator_call, 63

op_keyword, 66

op_left_assign, 63

op_left_shift, 61

op_less, 61

op_less_eq, 62

op_log_and, 62

op_log_not, 60

op_log_or, 62

op_low, 66

op_macro_arg, 64

op_macro_begin, 64

op_macro_call, 64

op_medium, 66

op_member, 60

op_memptr, 60

op_memsel, 60

op_more, 62

op_more_eq, 62

op_mul, 62

op_mul_assign, 63

op_negate, 60

op_new, 60

op_not_eq, 62

op_open_angle, 64

op_open_brace, 64

op_open_bracket, 64

op_open_funargs, 64

op_open_paren, 64

op_operands, 65

op_or_assign, 63

op_plus, 60

op_pointer, 64

op_post_decr, 60

op_post_incr, 60

op_postfix, 66

op_pre_decr, 60

op_pre_incr, 60

op_prefix, 66

op_punct, 65

op_reference, 64

op_rem, 62

op_rem_assign, 63

op_return, 65

op_right_assign, 63

op_right_shift, 62

op_scope, 64

op_semicolon, 65

op_separator, 65

op_sizeof, 61

op_space_after, 66

op_space_before, 66

op_sub_assign, 63

op_subscript, 61

op_subt, 62

op_switch, 65

op_throw, 61

op_try, 61

op_while_1, 65

op_while_2, 65

op_white_after, 66

op_white_before, 66

op_xor_assign, 63


–A, 8

–B, 8, 54

–C, 8

–D, 8

–E, 8

embedded SQL, 11

–F, 9

–G, 9

–H, 9

–I, 9

–J, 9

–K, 9

–L, 10

–M, 10

macros, 10

–N, 10, 13

–NEST, 10

nested classes, 10

nested comments, 10

–O, 10

–P, 10

progress, 10

prototypes, 11

–Q, 10

–R, 10

rule file, 10

–S, 11

–SQL, 11

stderr.out, 10

–T, 11

–U, 11

user defined, 11, 12

–V, 11

variables, 12

–W, 12

–X, 12

–Y, 12

Z, 12

options:. include files

packed, 134

pascal, 33, 134


based, 61

pp_ansi, 69

pp_arg_count, 69

pp_arg_multiple, 69

pp_arg_paren, 69

pp_arg_string, 69

pp_arith, 69

pp_assign, 69

pp_bad_white, 69

pp_benign, 69

pp_comment, 69

pp_const, 70

pp_defined, 70

pp_depend, 70

pp_elif, 70

pp_empty_arglist, 70

pp_empty_body, 70

pp_endif, 70

pp_error, 70

pp_if_depth, 70

pp_if_search(), 95

pp_include, 70

pp_include_depth, 70

pp_include_white, 70

pp_keyword, 71

pp_length, 71

pp_lowercase, 71

pp_macro, 71

pp_macro_conflict, 71, 72, 94

pp_macro_dup, 71

pp_not_ansi, 71

pp_not_defined, 71

pp_not_found, 71

pp_overload, 71

pp_paste, 71

pp_paste_failed, 71

pp_pragma, 71

pp_recursive, 71

pp_relative, 71

pp_semicolon, 72

pp_sizeof, 72

pp_stack, 72

pp_stringize, 72

pp_sub_keyword, 72

pp_trailer, 72

pp_undef, 72

pp_unknown, 72

pp_unstack, 72

pp_white_after, 72

pp_white_before, 72


argument, 69

arguments, 70

define, 72

defined, 70

keywords, 72

semicolon, 72

sizeof, 72

whitespace, 72

preprocessor:. undef. undef. endif. elif

prj_aggr, 75

prj_array, 75

prj_begin, 14, 75

prj_com_lines, 75

prj_conflicts, 75

prj_decisions, 75

prj_end, 75

prj_exec_lines, 75

prj_functions, 75

prj_globals, 75

prj_H_operands, 75

prj_H_operators, 75

prj_headers, 76

prj_high, 76

prj_low, 76

prj_macros, 76

prj_members, 76

prj_modules, 76

prj_nonexec, 76

prj_operands, 76

prj_operators, 76

prj_simple, 76

prj_tokens, 76

prj_total_lines, 76

prj_u_operands, 76

prj_u_operators, 76

prj_uH_operands, 76

prj_uH_operators, 76

prj_unused, 77

prj_warnings, 77

prj_white_lines, 77

project, 7


creation, 11

pure specifier, 33

recursive, 71

register, 36

remove_path() ( void ), 89

saveregs, 33

segment, 38, 40

set_option, 13

short, 31

double, 31

unsigned, 31

signed, 35

sizeof, 72

skip_nonansi_indent(), 93

SQL, 11

square root, 106

static, 36

statistic, 25

stm_aggr, 79

stm_array, 79

stm_bad_label, 79

stm_cases, 79

stm_catchs, 79

stm_container, 79



DO, 78

ELSE, 78


FOR, 78

IF, 78



stm_cp_assign, 79

stm_cp_begin, 79



DO, 78

ELSE, 78


FOR, 78

IF, 78



stm_depth, 14, 79

stm_end, 79

stm_end_tryblock, 79

stm_goto, 79

stm_if_else, 79

stm_is_comp, 79



DO, 78

ELSE, 78


FOR, 78

IF, 78



stm_is_expr, 80

stm_is_high, 80

stm_is_iter, 80

stm_is_jump, 80

stm_is_low, 80

stm_is_nonexec, 80

stm_is_select, 80

stm_kind, 80

stm_labels, 80

stm_lines, 80

stm_locals, 80

stm_loop_back, 80

stm_members, 80

stm_no_break, 81

stm_no_default, 81

stm_operands, 81

stm_operators, 81

stm_relation, 81

stm_return_paren, 81

stm_return_void, 44, 81

stm_semicolon, 81

stm_simple, 81

stm_switch_cases, 81

stm_tokens, 81

stm_unused, 81

storage classes

CodeCheck, 25

struct, 31

Symantec, 9, 134

tag, 36

tag_abstract, 82

tag_anonymous, 82

tag_base_access, 82

tag_baseclass_access, 98

tag_baseclass_kind, 98

tag_baseclass_name, 98

tag_bases, 82

tag_begin, 82

tag_classes, 82

tag_constants, 82

tag_constructors, 82

tag_distance, 82

tag_end, 82

tag_fcn_friends, 82

tag_friends, 83

tag_functions, 83

tag_global, 83

tag_has_assign, 83

tag_has_copy, 83

tag_has_default, 83

tag_has_destr, 83

tag_hidden, 83

tag_kind, 83

tag_lines, 83

tag_local, 83

tag_mem_access, 83

tag_members, 83

tag_nested, 83

tag_operators, 83

tag_private, 84

tag_protected, 84

tag_public, 84

tag_static_fcn, 84

tag_static_mem, 84

tag_template, 84

tag_tokens, 84

tag_types, 84


class, 84

function, 36

trigger, 19

trigraph, 51, 118


new keywords, 40

typedef, 36


CodeCheck, 24

union, 31

unpacked, 134

unsigned, 31, 36

char, 31

int, 31

long, 31

short, 31

verbosity, 14

virtual, 33

void, 31

volatile, 32, 38

whitespace, 69