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Module - m37.html

ABRAXAS SOFTWARE - CodeCheck MISRA Test-Suite Misra-C:1998 Misra-C:2004.

Misra-C Test Suite for Module - m37.c

/* Misra C Enforcement Testing */

Misra C Enforcement Testing */

/* Rule 37: Required */

Rule 37: Required */

/* Bitwise operations shall not be performed on signed integer types. */

Bitwise operations shall not be performed on signed integer types. */
#include "misra.h"
rule37 ( void ) 

Function Name: rule37()

SI_32 a = 3;
SI_32 b = 3;
SI_32 c = 3;
UI_16	u;
	a = (~u );			/* Rule37 misra-c:2004 10.5 use explict cast of the same type */
	a = ( UI_16 ) (~u) ;	
	a = (u<<2 );			/* Rule37 misra-c:2004 10.5 use explict cast of the same type */
	a = ( UI_16 ) (u<<2) ;
    c = a >> 2; /*  RULE 37  */
    c = a << 2; /*  RULE 37  */
    c = a & b; /*  RULE 37  */
    c = a | b; /*  RULE 37  */
    c = a ^ b; /*  RULE 37  */
    c = ~a; /*  RULE 37  */
    return c;

Abraxas/Misra Home  Table of Contents

ABRAXAS SOFTWARE - CodeCheck MISRA Test-Suite Misra-C:1998 Misra-C:2004.