	Copyright (c) 1996 by XYZ, Inc. All rights reserved.
	Purpose:	Checks for compatibility with XYZ C++ standards.
	Written:	1 December 1995.
	Revised:	2 January 1996.
	Format:	Monospaced font with 4 spaces/tab.

	These CodeCheck rules check for compatibility with the XYZ C++
	Coding Rules. These rules are based on the document "XYZ C++
	These rules are applied to all headers that are included in double
	quotes, e.g. #include "project.h". For proper use of these rules, be
	sure to include system headers in angle brackets: #include <ctypes.h.

Warning Codes:

9111	Header filename  is not in DOS 8.3 format.
9121	Class names must begin with "XYZxxx_
9131	Private member name  must not begin in uppercase.
9131	Private member name  must end with an underscore.
9211	Definition of class  belongs in a header file.
9212	File  needs a leading comment block.
9213	Header file  should be wrapped in an #ifndef.
9213	 is not the correct wrapper name for this file.
9214	Definition of function  must NOT be in a header file.
9221	Public section must come first in class .
9222	Data member  of class  must be private.
9231	Function  is too long to be inlined.
9232	Do NOT use inline within a class definition.
9251	Class  needs a default constructor.
9251	Class  needs a copy constructor.
9252	Class  needs an operator=().
9253	Class  has too many constructors (limit is 3).
9254	Class  needs a destructor.
9255	Destructor for class  must be virtual.
9261	Operator  should not be a friend.
9261	Do NOT declare friend functions.
9261	Do NOT declare friend classes.
9271	Do NOT use virtual base classes.
9281	Declare  using a typedef name, not a basic C type.
9282	Define typedef name  in a base class.
9293	Define enum  in a base class.
9311	Declare parameter  to be a reference to .
9312	Operator  should not return an object.
9314	Function  should not return an object.
9315	Reference parameters must come first.
9316	Constant member functions should be avoided.
9317	Parameter  should not be const.
9411	Use // comments, not oldstyle C comments.
9421	Declare  as a const, not a macro.
9422	This enumeration needs an enum type name.
9431	Global constant  should be a class member.
9441	Function  needs an explicit return type.


#include	<check.cch

#define DOT			('.')		//	period character
#define SLASH			('/')		//	forward slash character
#define BACKSLASH		('\\')		//	backslash character
#define COLON			(':')		//	colon character
#define TILDE			('~')		//	tilde character
#define UNDERSCORE	('_')		//	underscore character

#define PUBLIC		0
#define PROTECTED		1
#define PRIVATE		2

int	ch, j, k, okay, level,
		is_constant, is_object,
		lin_if_depth,			//  Holds latest value of pp_if_depth.
		comment_needed,		//	True until a header file's comment-block is found.
		define_needed,		//	True until a header file's wrapper macro is #defined.
		public_needed,		//	True when a class definition begins.
		one_liner_needed,		//	True when a function is explicitly inlined.
		no_wrap_message,		//  True if a wrapper-needed message has NOT been given.
		non_ref_parm_found,	//	True if a non-reference fcn parameter has been found.
		bad_name,				//  True if the wrapper name is wrong.
		length, ch1, ch2;

// ---------- Rule 1.1.1 ----------

if ( header_name() )		//	A header is about to be opened
	if ( pp_include <3 )	//	Header filename is in double quotes
		j = 0;
		k = 0;
		ch = header_name()[k++];
		while ( ch != 0 )
			ch = header_name()[k++];
			if ( ch == DOT )
				break;		//	beginning of extension found
				j = k;		//	count characters before dot
			if ( ch == BACKSLASH || ch == COLON )
				j = 0;		//	DOS directory or disk marker
			else if ( ch == SLASH || ch == TILDE )
				j = 0;		//	Unix directory or disk marker
		if ( j > 8 )
			warn( 9111, "Header filename %s is not in DOS 8.3 format.",
					header_name() );
		else if ( ch == DOT )
			j = 0;
			ch = header_name()[k+j];
			while ( ch != 0 )
				ch = header_name()[k+j];	//	count chars after dot.
			if ( j  3 )
				warn( 9111, "Header filename %s is not in DOS 8.3 format.",
						header_name() );

// ---------- Rule 1.2.1 ----------

if ( tag_begin )
	//	Apply this rule to global classes only:

	if ( tag_global && (tag_kind == CLASS_TAG) )
		if ( ! prefix("XYZ") )
			warn( 9121, "Class names must begin with \"XYZ_\"" );
		else if ( strstr(tag_name(), "_") == 0 )
			warn( 9121, "Use an underscore after the class name prefix." );

// ---------- Rule 1.3.1 ----------

if ( dcl_member == 3 )
	if ( dcl_access == PRIVATE )
		if ( dcl_variable )
			if ( isupper(dcl_name()[0]) )
				warn( 9131, "Private data member name %s must not begin in uppercase.",
						dcl_name() );
			if ( ! suffix("_") )
				warn( 9131, "Private data member name %s must end with an underscore.",
						dcl_name() );
		else if ( dcl_function )
			if ( isupper(dcl_name()[0]) )
				warn( 9131, "Private function name %s must not begin in uppercase.",
						dcl_name() );
			if ( ! suffix("_") )
				warn( 9131, "Private function name %s must end with an underscore.",
						dcl_name() );

// ---------- Rule 2.1.1 ----------

if ( tag_begin )
	if ( tag_global && (tag_kind == CLASS_TAG) )
		if ( lin_source )
			warn( 9211, "Definition of class %s belongs in a header file.",
					tag_name() );

// ---------- Rules 2.1.2 ----------

if ( mod_begin )
	comment_needed = FALSE;

if ( lin_end )
	if ( lin_number == 1 )
		if ( lin_is_comment )
			comment_needed = FALSE;
		else if ( lin_header )
			comment_needed = TRUE;
	if ( comment_needed )
		if ( lin_is_comment )
			comment_needed = FALSE;
		else if ( lin_preprocessor )
			warn( 9212, "File %s needs a leading comment block.",
					file_name() );
			comment_needed = FALSE;
		else if ( lin_has_code )
			warn( 9212, "File %s needs a leading comment block.",
					file_name() );
			comment_needed = FALSE;

// ---------- Rule 2.1.3 ----------

if ( pp_if_depth || pp_endif )
	lin_if_depth = pp_if_depth;

if ( pp_include )
	if ( lin_header )
		if ( no_wrap_message )
			warn( 9213, "Header file %s should be wrapped in an #ifndef.",
					file_name() );

	no_wrap_message = TRUE;
	define_needed = TRUE;

if ( lin_dcl_count )
	if ( lin_header && lin_if_depth == 0 )
		if ( no_wrap_message )
			warn( 9213, "Header file %s should be wrapped in an #ifndef.",
					file_name() );
			no_wrap_message = FALSE;
			define_needed = FALSE;

if ( pp_macro )
	if ( lin_header )
		if ( no_wrap_message && lin_if_depth == 0 )
				warn( 9213, "Header file %s should be wrapped in an #ifndef.",
						file_name() );
				no_wrap_message = FALSE;
				define_needed = FALSE;
		if ( define_needed && lin_if_depth == 1 )
			bad_name = FALSE;
			length = strlen( pp_name() );
			k = 0;
			while ( k  1 )
	if ( one_liner_needed )
		warn( 9231, "Function %s is too long to be inlined.",
				fcn_name() );

// ---------- Rule 2.3.2 ----------

if ( dcl_inline )
	if ( lin_within_class == 1 )
		warn( 9232, "Do NOT use inline within a class definition. (%d)", lin_within_class );

// ---------- Rule 2.4.1 ----------

//	*** This needs a new trigger in CodeCheck: dcl_override. ***

// ---------- Rules 2.5.1, 2.5.2, and 2.5.4 ----------

if ( tag_end )
	if ( tag_global && (tag_kind == CLASS_TAG) )
		if ( ! tag_has_default )
			warn( 9251, "Class %s needs a default constructor.", class_name() );
		if ( ! tag_has_copy )
			warn( 9251, "Class %s needs a copy constructor.", class_name() );
		if ( ! tag_has_assign )
			warn( 9252, "Class %s needs an operator=(%s&).", class_name(),
					class_name() );

// ---------- Rule 2.5.3 ----------

if ( tag_constructors  3 )
	warn( 9253, "Class %s has too many constructors (limit = 3).",
			class_name() );

// ---------- Rules 2.5.4 and 2.5.5 ----------

if ( tag_begin )
	if ( tag_global && (tag_kind == CLASS_TAG) )
		class_has_virtual_function = FALSE;
		destructor_is_virtual = FALSE;

if ( dcl_function )
	if ( dcl_virtual )
		if ( dcl_base == DESTRUCTOR_TYPE )
			destructor_is_virtual = TRUE;
			class_has_virtual_function = TRUE;

if ( tag_end )
	if ( tag_global && (tag_kind == CLASS_TAG) )
		if ( tag_has_destr )
			if ( class_has_virtual_function )
				if ( ! destructor_is_virtual )
					warn( 9255, "Destructor %s::~%s() must be virtual.",
							class_name(), class_name() );
			warn( 9254, "Class %s needs a destructor.", class_name() );

// ---------- Rules 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 ----------

if ( dcl_friend )
	if ( dcl_function )
		if ( prefix("operator") )
			if ( strequiv(root(), "=") )
			else if ( strequiv(root(), "+") )
			else if ( strequiv(root(), "-") )
			else if ( strequiv(root(), "*") )
			else if ( strequiv(root(), "/") )
			else if ( strequiv(root(), "%") )
			else if ( strequiv(root(), "") )
			else if ( strequiv(root(), "<<") )
				warn( 9261, "%s should not be a friend.", dcl_name() );
			warn( 9261, "Do NOT declare friend functions." );
		warn( 9262, "Do NOT declare friend classes." );

// ---------- Rule 2.7.1 ----------

if ( keyword("class") )
	detect_virtual_base = TRUE;

if ( keyword("virtual") )
	if ( detect_virtual_base )
		warn( 9271, "Do NOT use virtual base classes." );

if ( dcl_base == CLASS_TYPE )
	detect_virtual_base = FALSE;

// ---------- Rule 2.8.1 ----------

if ( dcl_member )
	if ( dcl_variable && dcl_base != DEFINED_TYPE )
		warn( 9281, "Declare %s using a typedef name, not a basic C type.",
				dcl_name() );

// ---------- Rule 2.8.2 ----------

if ( dcl_typedef )
	if ( dcl_member == 0 )
		warn( 9282, "Define typedef name %s in a base class.",
				dcl_name() );

// ---------- Rule 2.9.1 ----------

//	This rule is not currently enforceable with CodeCheck.

// ---------- Rule 2.9.2 ----------

//	This rule is redundant (covered by 3.1.2).

// ---------- Rule 2.9.3 ----------

if ( tag_kind == ENUM_TAG )
	if ( tag_global )
		warn( 9293, "Define enum %s in a base class.", tag_name() );

// ---------- Rule 3.1.1 ----------

if ( dcl_parameter )
	is_object = ((dcl_base == CLASS_TYPE) || (dcl_base == STRUCT_TYPE));
	if ( is_object )
		if ( (dcl_levels == 0) || ((dcl_levels == 1) && (dcl_level(0) == POINTER)) )
			if ( dcl_axyztract )
				warn( 9311, "Declare parameter #%d to be a reference to %s.",
						dcl_parameter, dcl_base_name() );
				warn( 9311, "Declare parameter %s to be a reference to %s",
						dcl_name(), dcl_base_name() );

// ---------- Rules 3.1.2 and 3.1.4 ----------

if ( dcl_function )
	is_object = ((dcl_base == CLASS_TYPE) || (dcl_base == STRUCT_TYPE));
	if ( dcl_member && is_object )
		if ( (dcl_levels == 1) || ((dcl_levels == 2) && (dcl_level(1) == REFERENCE)) )
			if ( prefix("operator") )
				if ( strequiv(root(), "=") )
				else if ( strequiv(root(), "+") )
				else if ( strequiv(root(), "-") )
				else if ( strequiv(root(), "*") )
				else if ( strequiv(root(), "/") )
				else if ( strequiv(root(), "%") )
				else if ( strequiv(root(), "") )
				else if ( strequiv(root(), "<<") )
					warn( 9312, "%s::%s() should not return an object.",
							class_name(), dcl_name() );
				warn( 9314, "Function %s::%s() should not return an object.",
						class_name(), dcl_name() );

// ---------- Rule 3.1.3 ----------

//	This rule cannot be enforced with this version of CodeCheck

// ---------- Rule 3.1.5 ----------

if ( dcl_parameter )
	if ( dcl_parameter == 1 )
		non_ref_parm_found = FALSE;
	if ( dcl_level(0) == REFERENCE )
		if ( non_ref_parm_found )
			warn( 9315, "Reference parameters must come first." );
	else	//	a non-reference fcn parameter has been found
		non_ref_parm_found = TRUE;

// ---------- Rule 3.1.6 ----------

if ( dcl_function )
	is_constant = (dcl_level_flags(0) & CONST_FLAG);
	if ( dcl_member && is_constant )
		warn( 9316, "Constant member functions should be avoided." );

// ---------- Rule 3.1.7 ----------

if ( dcl_parameter )
	is_object = ((dcl_base == CLASS_TYPE) || (dcl_base == STRUCT_TYPE));
	if ( is_object && (dcl_levels == 1) )
		is_constant = (dcl_level_flags(1) & CONST_FLAG);
		level = dcl_level( 0 );
		if ( is_constant && ((level == POINTER) || (level == REFERENCE)) )
			if ( dcl_axyztract )
				warn( 9317, "Parameter #%d should not be const.",
						dcl_parameter );
				warn( 9317, "Parameter %s should not be const.", dcl_name() );

// ---------- Rule 4.1.1 ----------

if ( lex_c_comment )
	warn( 9411, "Use /\/ comments, not \/\*...*\/ comments." );

// ---------- Rule 4.2.1 ----------

if ( pp_const )
	if ( lin_header && ! define_needed )
		warn( 9421, "Declare %s as a const, not a macro.", pp_name() );

// ---------- Rule 4.2.2 ----------

if ( tag_anonymous )
	if ( tag_global && tag_kind == ENUM_TAG )
		warn( 9422, "This enumeration needs an enum type name." );

// ---------- Rule 4.3.1 ----------

if ( dcl_variable )
	is_constant = (dcl_level_flags(dcl_levels) & CONST_FLAG);
	if ( dcl_global && is_constant )
		warn( 9431, "Global constant %s should be a class member.",
				dcl_name() );

// ---------- Rule 4.4.1 ----------

if ( dcl_no_specifier )
	if ( dcl_function )
		warn( 9441, "Function %s needs an explicit return type.",
				dcl_name() );

// ---------- Rule 4.4.2 ----------

//	This rule cannot be enforced with this version of CodeCheck.